Recently, Somebody Somewhere wrote these words
> >My advice it to just wait a few more days for GNOME-2.12 to come out.
> >Sure, it is probably very similar to what you are working with now,
> >but the GTK folks are probably working overtime to get their stuff
> >right before the release.
> Hmm, you might be right. The only problem is that I really need to get
> this PC done as soon as possible - my sister has been waiting for it
> for almost a month now :-) Gnome folks set the release date on 7.
> Sept, which makes it about 6 days... ehh, I guess I like 'round
> numbers' too much not to wait, in the end. Thanks for pointing this
> out - somehow I thought it was still months till Sept and 2.12!

Is ATK showing in /usr/lib/pkgconfig?

I would delve and try to isolate how configure checks for atk and then
check that out yourself in a root console.

        With best Regards,

        Declan Moriarty.
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