Randhir Phagura wrote:
> An abstract from 'gtk-sharp configure script'is given
> below: There is one  dependency shown as 'GNOME_CFLAGS
> GNOME_LIBS' (marked with * *).  Then again  further down
> of  that?

Ok, my earlier reply was somewhat simplified, since some of
the dependencies are optional, including all the Gnome ones.
That's what you're seeing in the summary it displays at the
end - if it's been able to find the necessary libraries, it
builds support for them.

That said, I'd be surprised if you could do anything useful
with purely the GTK part - most programs targetted at Mono
(e.g Tomboy, Blam, Beagle) will require the Gnome libraries
as well.

My list, incidentally, came from searching configure.ac for
calls to PKG_CHECK_MODULES - since most things use
pkg-config these days, it's a pretty reliable way of
searching dependencies, and much easier than reading the
generated configure script (a few hundred lines, compared to
a few hundred thousand).

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