Stephen Liu wrote these words on 09/04/05 22:25 CST:

> I tried to install lesstif and met following problem.
> Steps performed as follows;
> lesstif-0.94.4
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/sources# tar jxf
> lesstif-0.94.4.tar.bz2
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/sources# cd lesstif-0.94.4
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/sources/lesstif-0.94.4# patch -Np1 -i
> ../lesstif-0.94.4-testsuite_fix-1.patch &&
> Please advise how to get this problem fixed.

It is too difficult for me to follow your message because the lines
are all chopped up. I can't tell where your mailer is chopping the
lines, or if you are entering them incorrectly.

I do know that you are not following the book's instructions by
building the packages as an unprivileged user and then only executing
the installation commands as the root user. Though this wouldn't have
anything to do with why the installation isn't working for you, I
wonder about your methodology.


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