On 11/24/05, Lennon Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And now I think of it, you can limit scrollkeeper-update to being used
> by install users by adjusting it's permissions so:
> chgrp install $(which scrollkeeper-update) && chmod o-rx $(which
> scrollkeeper-update)

Hi Lennon
I'm trying to do something similar... but I'm finding some strange
I need (want) to do a wrapper, and I'm trying to do it with bash-scripting.
Now, I want this wrapper setuid root... and it seems not to work.

Here's what I have:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/bin$ ls -l
total 4
-rwsr-xr-x  1 root users 70 2005-12-01 09:47 test
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/bin$ cat ./test
echo -n "effective id: "
id -u
echo -n "real id: "
id -ru
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/bin$ ./test
effective id: 1000
real id: 1000

That is: I've got a setuid-root bash script. It prints out the effective
and real uid.
But when I run it, I won't have root privileges... Why?!?

Is my system acting normally?

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