On Sunday 05 September 2010 01:16:46 Ken Moffat wrote:
> I have no experience with PulseAudio - it's on my list of things to > look at somewhen, but so far I'm nowhere near it. Here is what worked for me (pure 64-bit amd64)/kde-4.4.5 build: but caution I am an ignoramous on things 'software' so extraneous/unnecessary bits are due to fubmling in the dark. ############################################ 1) use pulseaudio from GIT. Surprisingly it is labelled as pulseaudio-0.9.19 whilst the released stuff is 0.9.21. 2) add user pulse to the audio group (this may be extraneous ) 3) Dispense with the BLFS alsa bootscript and let udev hande alsa. I used a udev-rule with these:- #--------------------------------------------------- # Give the audio group ownership of sound devices SUBSYSTEM=="sound", GROUP="audio" SUBSYSTEM=="snd", GROUP="audio" KERNEL=="controlC[0-9]*", NAME="snd/%k", MODE="0660", ACTION=="add", \ RUN+="/usr/sbin/alsactl -E ALSA_CONFIG_PATH=/etc/alsa/alsactl.conf -- initfile=/usr/share/alsa/init/00main restore /dev/$name" KERNEL=="controlC[0-9]*", NAME="snd/%k", MODE="0660", ACTION=="remove", \ RUN+="/usr/sbin/alsactl -E ALSA_CONFIG_PATH=/etc/alsa/alsactl.conf store /dev/$name" #-------------------------------------------------- 4) make an /etc/asound.conf file with these:- #-------------------------------------------------- pcm.pulse { type pulse } ctl.pulse { type pulse } pcm.!default { type pulse } ctl.!default { type pulse } #------------------------------------------- 5) recompiled alsa-plugins after pulseaudio (needed for alsa on the cli ) 6) update udev I used udev-162 and had to copy 78-sound-card.rules from the source tree to /etc/udev/rules.d 7) after updating udev if there is no /dev/cdrom nor /dev/dvd create a simple rule like so:- #-------------------------------------------------- cat>/etc/udev/rules.d/100-customCDROM.rules<<"EOF" # 100-customCDROM.rules # SUBSYSTEM=="block", KERNEL=="hdX", SYMLINK+="dvd", GROUP="cdrom" SUBSYSTEM=="block", KERNEL=="hdX", SYMLINK+="cdrom", GROUP="cdrom" EOF where "hdX" is your optical-disk #-------------------------------------------------- 8) play music or wotever Interestingly in KDE-4.4.5 there is no welcoming sound at the first login. Suggestions for a fix is welcomed. -- http://linuxfromscratch.org/mailman/listinfo/blfs-support FAQ: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/faq.html Unsubscribe: See the above information page