On 11/13/2012 12:21 AM, Armin K. wrote:
> On 11/13/2012 12:39 AM, Baho Utot wrote:
>> Fourth  he binary log gets corrupted, how does one recover that?
>> Ie the disk log space fills up, does it keep writing?
> I can answer this one.
> I test kernels and latest stuff lately so it's very likely that at some
> point my machine will lock up. And so it happens on rare ocassions.
> The journald itself by default logs into /run (a tmpfs) unless
> /var/log/journal exists. On cold shutdown, file becomes corrupt and you
> can notice it in next boot. However, message only says that file looks
> corrupt and it is "replacing" it. I didn't notice that anything was
> missing from the logs though.
> Also, you can configure journald to pass all information to standard
> syslog daemon like sysklogd, syslog-ng or rsyslog. I still use rsyslog
> so I can manage to have lot of standard log files available. Something
> journalctl can be pain for a long logging period.

Why not just sysklogd, syslog-ng or rsyslog do there job?
What about logrotate?

My gripe with systemd is I already have proven tools that do what systemd does,
why should I have to abandon them to use systemd?
Why does one have to learn a completely new system that does what the older 
system already does?
There are tried and true and work very well for me.
Also I don't want to take a collage course to learn how to use and admin 
I already know how to admin my systems and learning systemd is of no benefit.
As it is said here my distro my rules, not what lenart seems to think I need to 

This quest that the linux community is on is just crazy, look at all the cruft 
that has been added to the kernel.
Why the kitchen sink as well as the bathroom sink is it there.

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