> Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2013 14:04:48 -0400
> From: "Cliff McDiarmid" <cliffhan...@gardener.com>
> To: "akhiezer" <lf...@cruziero.com>,
>         "BLFS Support List"
>       <blfs-support@linuxfromscratch.org>
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Autofs problem on LFS7.2
> > > > > Right.  I've recompiled autofs(had to include MIT Kerberos)and the 
> > > > > results were intially promising.
> > > You may be right about Kerbos, I seem to remember getting round that 
> > > originally and not compiling against it.

Might come back to: why 'had to include MIT Kerberos' for that second compile, 
yet not for the first one; and for the first compile what did 'getting round' 
(ie avoiding) compiling kerberos entail.

> > OK: so at this stage I'd recompile the 'patch-reverted' autofs-5.0.7 - i.e. 
> > use 
> > the version where you have got that 'LIBTIRPC' block of code commented-out 
> > - and 
> > follow the same steps as you did originally, but for the './configure ...' 
> > cmdline _add_ the '--without-hesiod' option.
> I've now recompiled 'patch-reverted' autofs-5.0.7 without MIT Kerberos.  
> Sadly this has made no difference.
> When I plug in the usbstick the 'testautomount' dir. is created, but not 
> 'sandisk'.
> When the usbstick is plugged, autofs spits the following again:
> handle_packet: type = 3
> handle_packet_missing_indirect: token 1, name sandisk, request pid 1997
> attempting to mount entry /testautomount/sandisk
> lookup_mount: lookup(program): looking up sandisk
> lookup(program): lookup for sandisk failed

It's doing 'lookup(program)' there, instead of 'lookup(file)': tracing through 
the src indicates that one way that this can happen under certain 
circumstances/conditions is if e.g. a map file has execute permission set. 
Have you got any execute permissions set on either of the map files? What does 
the following show currently:
$ \ls -laF /etc/auto.master /etc/auto.testautomount

Can you also post the current complete contents (don't omit any empty or 
lines) of the maps - reason is that I was able to 'break' automount in various 
ways with mildly-subtle (deliberate-)'oversights' in the map files:
$ cat -A /etc/auto.master /etc/auto.testautomount

> dev_ioctl_send_fail: token = 1
> failed to mount /testautomount/sandisk
> st_expire: state 1 path /testautomount
> expire_proc: exp_proc = 3063610176 path /testautomount
> expire_cleanup: got thid 3063610176 path /testautomount stat 0
> expire_cleanup: sigchld: exp 3063610176 finished, switching from 2 to 1
> st_ready: st_ready(): state = 2 path /testautomount
> st_expire: state 1 path /testautomount
> expire_proc: exp_proc = 3063610176 path /testautomount
> expire_cleanup: got thid 3063610176 path /testautomount stat 0
> expire_cleanup: sigchld: exp 3063610176 finished, switching from 2 to 1
> st_ready: st_ready(): state = 2 path /testautomount
> > At this stage, I'd say you don't need to uninstall kerberos: but I'd 
> > suggest 
> > ensuring it is not running; stop it via '/etc/rc.d/init.d/krb5 stop' (or 
> > similar) 
> > and verify via ps that none of its components are running, and stop them if 
> > they 
> > are; it may be useful if necessary to refer to the list of programs in the 
> > 'Short Descriptions' section at the foot of the page 
> > 'http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/svn/postlfs/mitkrb.html', as a 
> > guide/checklist.
> > 

If still no-go, then I'd do:
(1) Go back to the original src - i.e. where that 'LIBTIRPC' block is _NOT_ 
    commented out - and compile as in the book, but for the configure stage, do:

    ./configure  --prefix=/  --mandir=/usr/share/man \
          --without-systemd  --without-libtirpc  --without-hesiod  \
          --without-openldap  --without-sasl

   (The sasl, ldap, hesiod, &c stuff can be added back in later once we have 
   a working autofs from a basic config).
   Then test and see if it goes OK.
   Post the output from 'automount -v -f -d /etc/auto.master' , incl showing 
   happens when you plug a stick in: just copy'n'paste the full session, please.
(2) If still no-go after '(1)', then do the same as '(1)' but with the 
    'patch-reverted' src - i.e. with that 'LIBTIRPC' block commented out - and 
    use the same 'configure ...' line as in '(1)'  .


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