> Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2013 09:38:25 -0400
> From: "Cliff McDiarmid" <cliffhan...@gardener.com>
> To: "BLFS Support List" <blfs-support@linuxfromscratch.org>
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Autofs problem on LFS7.2
> > Cliff McDiarmid wrote:
> > 
> > > Got it! After starting autofs with 'automount -v -f -d
> > 
> > Cliff, it would be nice to write up a short summary of what was wrong 
> > and the ultimate fix.
> Right, I'm going to attempt to summarise a very long thread which addressed 
> an automount problem(once again I must thank akhiezer for his help and 
> patience in solving it).
> Autofs-5.0.7 was built according to the compile/install instructions for 
> autofs in the blfs book, but I did a 'client-only' install of OpenLDAP-2.4.33 
> and at one point compiled it against MIT Kerberos V5-1.10.3, but this was 
> later removed.
> Either way I don't believe this had any bearing on the outcome.
> Autofs- 5.0.7 always started from boot up but failed create any dir. 
> specified in the '/etc/automaster' file or to mount it when a usbstick was 
> inserted.
> I believe(correct me if I'm wrong akhiezer)that the solution boiled down to 
> two changes that were made.
> 1) I reverted a change made by the 
> 'autofs-5.0.6-fix-libtirpc-name-clash.patch' to the file 'lib/rpc_subs.c' in 
> the source  distrib, and commented-out the code:
> ---
> #undef auth_destroy
> #define auth_destroy(auth)                                              \
>                 do {                                                    \
>                         int refs;                                       \
>                         if ((refs = auth_put((auth))) == 0)             \
>                                 ((*((auth)->ah_ops->ah_destroy))(auth));\
>                 } while (0)
> #endif
> ---
> thus:
> ===
> /*
> #undef auth_destroy
> #define auth_destroy(auth)                                              \
>                 do {                                                    \
>                         int refs;                                       \
>                         if ((refs = auth_put((auth))) == 0)             \
>                                 ((*((auth)->ah_ops->ah_destroy))(auth));\
>                 } while (0)
> #endif
> */
> ===
> I then recompiled Autofs.
> 2) I adjusted the '/etc/auto.master' file to read:
> ---
> /testautomount      file:/etc/auto.testautomount
> ---
> rather than:
> ---
> /testautomount      /etc/auto.testautomount
> ---
> This was to be more explicit about the type of map that was being used.  A 
> minor change, but one that worked.
> *Please note that the 'auto.testautomount' dir. was a test point and this 
> would normally be 'auto.misc'.*
> Cliff

I'd expect that 'reason 2)' is a bit of a red-herring: it's likely a  
'chmod 644 /etc/auto.testautomount' change that would make the difference; the 
'file:' stuff is really only to override any exec-permissions that are still 
on '/etc/auto.testautomount'  . Here, on autofs-5.0.5, having any exec-perms on 
'/etc/auto.testautomount', and no 'file:' or 'file,sun:' &c labels in 
auto.master, causes automount to erroneously try to interpret the map-file as 
being a program. Then, if I do use 'file:' or 'file,sun:' in auto.master, and 
whether '/etc/auto.testautomount' has any exec-permissions set or not, then 
automount interprets the map-file as being an ordinary file and not as a 
or any other type.

As for 'reason 1)': per earlier note today, one would really want to do the 
recompile with the original libtirpc code in its original form (i.e. _NOT_ 
commented-out), and using the './configure ......  --without-... 
--without-libtirpc --without-... ....', and with '/etc/auto.testautomount' 
permissions 644; and see if all works ok.

If it works ok, then one would go 'round the loop again with the sole, single 
change of omitting the '--without-libtirpc' from the './configure ...' line, 
see if things now _don't_ work ok.

If it does break, then go 'round the loop again but this time make the sole, 
single change of commenting-out the libtirpc block of code, and see if things 
now work ok.

Without that or similar methodology, in particular (in this case) changing just 
one thing at a time, then one can't really put good reliable info into 
or in report to upstream, or even into one's own notes.


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