> Date: Sun, 07 Apr 2013 09:10:22 -0400
> From: "Cliff McDiarmid" <cliffhan...@gardener.com>
> To: "akhiezer" <lf...@cruziero.com>,
>         "BLFS Support List"
>       <blfs-support@linuxfromscratch.org>
> Subject: Re: [blfs-support] Autofs problem on LFS7.2
> > > > >
> > > > > I will sort it and try to get the summary right.   Could this whole 
> > > > > thing come down to permissions?  
> > > > >
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > It might: but recall that there were also error messages, at two 
> > > > separate stages, 
> > > > that looked like they were (in the first case) kerberos-/hesiod- 
> > > > related, and (in 
> > > > the second case) libtirpc- related; and it was only when we by-passed 
> > > > _those_ 
> > > > error-messages, that we could get as far as seeing the 
> > > > permissions-related 
> > > > error-messages.
> > > > 
> > > > With the map permissions held at 0644, one would want to test the 
> > > > re-compile 
> > > > with/without the hesiod and libtirpc configure options, and 
> > > > with/without the 
> > > > commenting-out of that block of libtirpc code, per the test-sequence in 
> > > > earlier 
> > > > note. I think that there _is_ very likely an issue with the libtirpc 
> > > > stuff; 
> > > > and _maybe_ - though less likely at this stage - with the 
> > > > kerberos-/hesiod- 
> > > > stuff.
> > >
> > > Right.  I have now recompiled autofs with './configure --prefix=/ 
> > > --mandir=/usr/share/man 
> > > --without-systemd --without-libtirpc --without-hesiod 
> > > --without-openldap --without-sasl', reinstalled, and everything works 
> > > fine.
> > 
> > 
> > Is that the original-source autofs - i.e. with the original 'LIBTIRPC' 
> > block of 
> > code _NOT_ commented-out?
> I'm ashamed to say that it is.  Ashamed?  Because it's appears this WAS a 
> permissions problem all along?

Not quite 100% necessarily so: recall that your original compiles were using 
the book-default './configure ...': whereas below you're using the five 
'--without-...' options.

If you're OK to do it, then the penultimate stage would be to: backup your 
current config/map files, then recompile in the same way as your most-recent 
compile per your first email of today, but with the sole, single change that 
you omit the '--without-libtirpc' on the './configure ...' line: i.e. use the 
original-source autofs - i.e. with the original 'LIBTIRPC' block of code 
_NOT_ commented-out - and the following config line:
$ ./configure --prefix=/ --mandir=/usr/share/man \
        --without-systemd --without-hesiod  \
        --without-openldap --without-sasl
Run 'automount -vfd /etc/auto.master' like before, and see if it gives errors: 
i.e. does omitting the '--without-libtirpc' cause automount to execute that 
block of LIBTIRPC code and hit errors.

If you do hit errors then paste 'em here, please. And then reinstate the 
'--without-libtirpc' and omit the --without-hesiod, recompile, test, and see 
if it hits kerberos/hesiod or any errors, and paste here if so.

You've been commendably patient with this extra testing now that you've got it 
working: and a few extra tests would be useful; and apols that am not quite yet 
in a position here to test directly (I'll also test it without any 
ldap/sasl/kerberos installed, to check if the book's 'Required' status for them 
is correct).

> Although, autofs installs its config files default 0644 and it definitely 
> wouldn't mount my devices at the beginning.
> > 
> > > Usbsticks mount together with CD's.  I can copy and cut from user by 
> > > using the 'sync,gid=floppy,umask=002' route.


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