On 12/11/2013 07:58 PM, Dan McGhee wrote:
> On 12/11/2013 12:20 PM, Armin K. wrote:
>> On 12/11/2013 06:45 PM, Dan McGhee wrote:
>>> This is a polkit action file to be put in /usr/share/polkit-1/actions
>>> directory.  As written, it would go in that directory with the name
>>> "org.archlinux.pkexec.gparted"
>>> What I haven't been able to find is the answer to the following
>>> question.  Does it matter that part of the name would be "org.archlinux"
>>> or is this just a name and doesn't refer to anything else on my system.
>>> There are only two "org's" in the actions I have now: freedesktop and
>>> xorg.  Both of those have things installed on my system.  If it's just a
>>> name, then I don't have to consider anything else.
>> This matters little. You could use any valid domain name or no at all.
>> See https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=999328#p999328, for
>> nearly the same rule they used org.freedesktop...
> Thanks for that link. I noticed a few, subtle differences in the two 
> files and decided to use this one, if, for no other reason than 
> consistency.
>>> In addition to GParted, I would like to employ this method for the
>>> Catalyst Control Center for my ATI-Radeon chip.
>> You have to edit both .desktop files and add "pkexec /path/to/program"
>> to the Exec= line. Do note that using pkexec requires an authentication
>> agent to be running, such as polkit-gnome or lxpolkit.
>> The file you mentioned is necessarry because pkexec won't allow running
>> gui programs by default.
> Right now gparted.desktop has
> "Exec= /usr/sbin/gparted %f"

This would become

"Exec=pkexec /usr/sbin/gparted %f"

> To add pkexec to this file, would it read "pkexec /usr/bin" or similar 
> to the entry now "/usr/bin/pkexec %f"? Also would I place it before the 
> gparted line and separate it by space or ";". Or would it be better to 
> have another "Exec" line before or after the gparted line?
> Thanks for your help, Armin.
> Dan

Note: My last name is not Krejzi.
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