On 12/12/2013 12:47 AM, Dan McGhee wrote:
> On 12/11/2013 05:35 PM, Armin K. wrote:
>> On 12/12/2013 12:19 AM, Dan McGhee wrote:
>>> On 12/11/2013 05:01 PM, Armin K. wrote:
>>>> I have the same desktop file here. However, you do need to verify if
>>>> authentication agent is started. Run "ps aux | grep polkit". You should
>>>> get something like:
>>>> armin      726  0.0  0.2 565160 15636 ?        Sl   17:48   0:00
>>>> /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1
>>>> in the output.
>>> This is the exact output I get:
>>>> polkitd 807 0.0 0.1 514052 9048 ? Sl 06:19 0:00
>>>> /usr/lib/polkit-1/polkitd --no-debug
>>>> dan 12378 0.0 0.1 240516 7348 tty1 Sl 15:20 0:00
>>>> /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1
>>>> root 12804 0.0 0.0 16416 1100 pts/0 S+ 17:15 0:00 grep --color=auto polkit
>>> It looks like what you got, but Gparted doesn't start. I don't know
>>> enough to distinguish the forest from the trees here and am responding
>>> only to what you say. I don't have the knowledge to analyze this.
>>> Dan
>> You can always try running "pkexec /usr/sbin/gparted" from a terminal
>> and check the output.
> Interesting output. Now I need to find out why when running pkexec from 
> the terminal, it thinks I'm somebody else.
>> dan [ ~ ]$ pkexec /usr/sbin/gparted
>> Error executing command as another user: Not authorized
> Dan

This is due to consolekit misconfiguration. Most people ignore
recommended dependency of Linux PAM on the ConsoleKit page, which is
really, really *required* if you want ConsoleKit to work correctly. On
the other hand, I use systemd, which has logind - a replacement for
consolekit so I don't really know if polkit works anymore with just

Post output of ck-list-sessions. It should read something like (if the
memory serves me well) active: yes, local: yes. If these two are not
yes, then consolekit is not configured correctly.
Note: My last name is not Krejzi.
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