Ken Moffat wrote:
On Wed, Nov 05, 2014 at 04:36:18PM -0600, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
Fernando de Oliveira wrote:
On 05-11-2014 18:20, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
I am increasingly seeing font issues.  What is being displayed in my
browser is small squares with 4 hex digits instead of a character.  For
instance F011 or F051.

An example of this is on most any github page.

I took a look at the html source and this behavior is tied up in complex
unformatted .css files.  The first one I looked at is 200K in size.

I suspect it is just a matter of loading the right font.

Any ideas which one?

   -- Bruce

I use DejaVu ttf and DejaVu LGC ttf.

I had dejavu-fonts-ttf-2.33 installed.  Installed
dejavu-lgc-fonts-ttf-2.33 also using:

$SUDO install -v -m755 -d                /usr/share/fonts/dejavu &&
$SUDO install -v -m644 ttf/*.ttf         /usr/share/fonts/dejavu &&
$SUDO mkdir -p /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail &&
$SUDO install -v -m644 fontconfig/*.conf \
                /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail &&
$SUDO fc-cache -v                        /usr/share/fonts/dejavu

But it didn't seem to make any difference.  I also reinstalled
dejavu-fonts-ttf-2.33.  Still no difference.

Old client maybe?   Seamonkey-2.10.1.  Konqueror seems a little better.

I may have to break down and update SM.

   -- Bruce

  U+F011 and U+F051 are NOT valid unicode.  Hmm, I think you prefer
to use legacy (ISO-8859-x) encodings ?  If so, try UTF-8.

  If you are already using UTF-8, please read on.

Changed to UTF-8, but no change.

  For _obscure_ latin-alphabet/common characters I install the gnu
free fonts (FreeSans, FreeSerif, FreeMono for a term) and let
fontconfig fall back to them.  Perhaps this is some uncommon
punctuation (recent DejaVu seems to cover everything I specifically
need or want to use).

Comparing to konqueror, the characters (glyphs really) are things like folders icons or file icons. konqueror has them about 16x16 pixels.

  Two questions:

1. How are you determining those codes ?  When I first discovered
that I needed more than Bitstream Vera (a long while ago, in
mid-life gnome-2.2) all I could see was four dots.  If you do a hex
dump, decoding unicode is *fun* - on x86 the bytes are swapped.
Wikipedia has the basics (convert to binary, check the initial bits
of each byte are valid, then assemble the bits from the "payload" to
get the hex digits.

The codes actually show up in the glyphs.  Like


The size is pretty small -- about 5x5 pixels all with a single pixel black border.

2. Do you have an example page, please, with a guide to where you
see the problem ?

There are glyphs for Issues, Pull Requests, Pulse, Graphs, Folders (F016), Regular files (F011), and a few other things.

In any case, it's definitely a browser version thing on my every day system. On my development system I've got SM 2.29 and it's fine there.

  -- Bruce

  -- Bruce
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