On Wed, Nov 05, 2014 at 05:34:54PM -0600, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Ken Moffat wrote:
> >
> >  U+F011 and U+F051 are NOT valid unicode.  Hmm, I think you prefer
> >to use legacy (ISO-8859-x) encodings ?  If so, try UTF-8.
> >
> >  If you are already using UTF-8, please read on.
> Changed to UTF-8, but no change.
> >  For _obscure_ latin-alphabet/common characters I install the gnu
> >free fonts (FreeSans, FreeSerif, FreeMono for a term) and let
> >fontconfig fall back to them.  Perhaps this is some uncommon
> >punctuation (recent DejaVu seems to cover everything I specifically
> >need or want to use).
> Comparing to konqueror, the characters (glyphs really) are things like
> folders icons or file icons.  konqueror has them about 16x16 pixels.
> >  Two questions:
> >
> >1. How are you determining those codes ?  When I first discovered
> >that I needed more than Bitstream Vera (a long while ago, in
> >mid-life gnome-2.2) all I could see was four dots.  If you do a hex
> >dump, decoding unicode is *fun* - on x86 the bytes are swapped.
> >Wikipedia has the basics (convert to binary, check the initial bits
> >of each byte are valid, then assemble the bits from the "payload" to
> >get the hex digits.
> The codes actually show up in the glyphs.  Like
> f0
> 20
> The size is pretty small -- about 5x5 pixels all with a single pixel black
> border.       
> >2. Do you have an example page, please, with a guide to where you
> >see the problem ?
> https://github.com/libical/libical/
> There are glyphs for Issues, Pull Requests, Pulse, Graphs, Folders (F016),
> Regular files (F011), and a few other things.
> In any case, it's definitely a browser version thing on my every day system.
> On my development system I've got SM 2.29 and it's fine there.
>   -- Bruce
 OK, I can see the images, but I cannot paste them.  I had assumed
those were graphics, they do not show at all in links.  In firefox I
cannot, apparently, 'view source'.

[ omit my initial attempts to descript these, and to then fail to
find them in e.g. unicode dingbats ]

 Ah, if I use arora, I can view the page source (black and red-ish
on white : yeugh!).

 This is what the source has for 'cmake', which is the first
      <td class="icon">
        <span class="octicon octicon-file-directory"></span>
        <img alt="" class="spinner" height="16"
      <td class="content">
        <span class="css-truncate css-truncate-target"><a
href="/libical/libical/tree/master/cmake" class="js-directory-link"

 From that, I think you either cannot display gifs on that system,
or else you are blocking them.  But I have no idea why that would
make them display the same as "unavailable glyph" characters.

 If I _type_ that octocat-spinner-32.gif URI into firefox [ pasting
decides to convert 'special' characters such as ':' and '/' and
drops me at a search in my current default search engine (!) ] I get
a gif with something vague in the centre, and a ring around it which
appears to have something moving clockwise around it.  Nothing like
what I actually see on the page.

 Dunno, http is too complex!

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