
I don't really understand what your problem is. I have a question for you. How come the date is shown with dashes instead of slashes? You have 2-6-09 whereas I normally use 2/6/09.

Are you saying that the date and the number that represents the date is in your cell? I went into Excel and typed your first date and when I did a Ctrl+F2 on that cell, the result was 39850, but that number is the formula for the date which is not displayed with the date. I am wondering if there is some feature in Excel that displays the formula with the data? .


At 09:46 AM 2/28/2009, you wrote:
I'm a long-time excel user, and have come up against a problem that really has me baffled.

For the first time in the many years I've used Excel, I had to go to the third sheet in the book.

For the most part, everything entered as I expected it to. The dates, however, came outreally st

For the four Fridays in February, the results came out as follows, even though theyread correctly when typed

2-6-09 39850
2-20-09 39864
2-27-09 39871

Is there something turned on that I should pull the plug on?

I'd appreciate any help anyone can offer.

Cliff Smales

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