The embossing speed for the Romeo Attache, according to Enabling Technologies web site, is 15 characters per second. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Francis E. Khan" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 7:30 AM
Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Low Cost Braille Embossers

What is the embossing speed of that embosser? I owned a Juliet Classic which served me for 13 years but since I don't need to produce so much Braille the Romeo Attaché will work just fine.

Francis Khan
----- Original Message ----- From: Deanne
 Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 10:25 AM
 Subject: Re: [Blind-Computing] Low Cost Braille Embossers

I have the Romeo Attache, from Enabling Technologies. I bought it about two
 years ago.  At the time, it was the least expensive embosser I could find.
Now it costs $1995, plus $70 s&h. I don't know if it is still the cheapest on the market, but it has been a very reliable, reasonably fast USB capable
 embosser.  The brailler will work with Vista.  The Duxbury translation
 software will, too, as long as you have the latest version.
 Hope this helps.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Mark" <>
 To: <>
 Sent: Monday, July 20, 2009 9:10 PM
 Subject: [Blind-Computing] Low Cost Braille Embossers

      For many years I have been interested in buying a braille embosser.
 However the price has prevented me from getting one. Is there a Low Cost
 Braille Embosser on the market some where? Is it vista compatible? Last I
 read the entry level embossers cost more than $3000. That is out side my
 price range. Any suggestions are appreciated.

 God bless,
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