Go in tools/options/applications, tab to the list of filetypes, find the type of file you ask about, tab once to the next list and choose with up arrow what you want. Don't forget to press ok at the end.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Donnie Parrett" <deparr...@prtcnet.org>
To: "Blind-Computing" <blind-computing@jaws-users.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 6:27 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] FireFox Question

I receive a little Daily Devotion that comes in an audio format. There is a link in the email that you have to click on to listen to the devotion. After installing FireFox, the first time I clicked on the link to play this particular devotion, I told FireFox to always play this application. Now, I find that I would like to save some of them, but FireFox automatically just plays them and I can't find any way to save them. Can I change that setting, so that FireFox will always ask me what I
want to do?  I hope this will make sense to you.



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Contact Me At:
Donnie Parrett
2000 Asa Flat Road
Annville, Kentucky  40402
Home Phone:  606-364-3321
Church Phone:  606-364-PRAY
Skype Name:  Donnie1261
Email:  deparr...@prtcnet.org

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