You would open Firefox from either the desktop or start menu. You can also type firefox into the run dialogue box. Your home page will open. You can then press ctrl+l and type the URL of the site you want to go to, then press enter. When finished, close out Firefox with the usual keystroke.

Signed by Chris Hallsworth

On 11/06/2010 05:33, Donnie Parrett wrote:
I use Internet Explorer as my default web brouser.  Sometimes though, I have 
found that FireFox
works better.  Could someone please give me instructions on how to go to 
FireFox and put a link in,
so I can just use FireFox for that one time?


Have a great day, unless you have made other plans.


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Donnie Parrett
2000 Asa Flat Road
Annville, Kentucky  40402
Home Phone:  606-364-3321
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Skype Name:  Donnie1261

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