Dear Friends,
I have been using Skype 3.8 for a year and a half and very successfully, just 

Yesterday, I received a message when on Skype that it wanted to download a 
current version, I clicked "No" or "Cancel Download" I think both LOL!
Anyway, today, a friend said that she heard Skype was going to not allow Skype 
3.8 from being used any longer!
This would be very bad for me, as I hate to change  programs that are working 
Perfect, as Perfect is good enough.

Has anyone heard this "rumor" which I must call it now?

Thanks for any comments on using Skype 3.8.

With Best Regards,
Miami, Florida
Alan Dicey, President
United States Braille Chess Association - USBCA
"Yes, Blind or Visually Impaired People Can, and Do, Play Chess!!!"
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