Hi John,
I will reply to you off list, as we are straying away from gaming here.

From: john 
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2017 3:29 PM
To: blind-gamers@groups.io 
Subject: Re: [blind-gamers] bgt exclude components

Hi Damien,
Well said on all counts.
I'm in about the same position; I'd like to move to something with more 
features and support, but BGT does so many of the little things so easily its 
difficult to not look for ways around the engine's limitations (getting drive 
information via wmic and batchfiles rather than built-in calls, for example). 
I've also been struggling to find anything that compiles down to executables 
easily (java's special at best, python files are huge and have to decompress 
themselves, C is... C).
Have you had any luck finding a language that can bridge the gap at all?

From: Damien Sykes-Lindley 
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 16:22
To: blind-gamers@groups.io 
Subject: Re: [blind-gamers] bgt exclude components

Hi John,
I’m afraid there are no public updates to BGT at the moment. To be honest until 
I hear any different I’m treating it more or less as a dying language.

There has actually been an entire topic on Twitter today regarding the 
suitability of BGT, and I’ll say here, albeit more detailed, what I said there. 
BGT has its place. But it also has its limits.

BGT is very good for creating 2d-based audiogames while being friendly for 
beginners in the process.
BGT is not good for general purpose applications. Its speed isn’t optimised for 
it, neither is its size. Most importantly, its library support is extremely 
basic, meaning that in order to use a good 95% of available libraries with BGT, 
they would need separate wrapper libraries.

When I first started to learn game programming, I started with VB6. While that 
was considered a programming language, it was still very much a limited 
environment. Tutorials were becoming scarce, examples low on the ground, and 
the language itself was dying out thanks to the introduction of the .NET 
platforms. Even DirectX needed it’s own VB-compatible DLL, hence the reason 
many users are struggling to play older games on Windows 7, 8, or 10.

Believe it or not, my journey with VB6 came to an unceremonious finality during 
the beta testing phase of BGT. From that moment on, anything I wanted to do was 
done using BGT.

So, to clarify. I started with VB6 (a COM/OLE/ActiveX environment), tinkered 
with AutoIt (a UI automation scripting language which also tried its best to 
serve a general-purpose environment but was far too specifically designed to do 
so efficiently), then moved house to BGT (a gaming platform).

As much as some people may class these as programming, to me they are very much 
scripting. All sandbox environments, limited functionality, very specific 
purposes, and encouraging software development management skills which are not 
generally encouraged in general programming.

It’s unfortunate, but a lot of people go through one of two phases: Either they 
switch to a general purpose language rather quickly, realise how much better it 
is, and come to despise the scripting languages they learned as introductory 
tools, or they treat it with unrestrained reverence, use them forever and a 
day, and become so reliant on these scripting alternatives that nothing else 
matters to them, to the point that they will even attempt to push these 
languages far beyond the boundaries of perhaps even twice their limits.

I’m not saying that anyone on this list is at one phase or the other. 
Personally, I’m stuck sitting on the fence. I realise how much better general 
purpose programming languages are, in terms of speed and size optimisations. 
But the sheer size and the tasks that are either possible or mandatory with 
these languages I find all too overwhelming, to the point that sometimes 
finding libraries and compiling them can be a challenge in itself, without the 
extra coding and debugging.

So while I appreciate some of the benefits of many general purpose languages, I 
have myself become all too reliant on the sandbox environment, having used it 
for the past 16 years. As a consequence, pointers, handles, data structures and 
callbacks on the coding end, and version control, package managers, bug 
trackers, unit testing, automated building and dedicated debuggers on the 
software engineering end, have only entered my programming world very recently 
– a sad situation for any application, games included.

So, the upshot. If you know for an absolute 100% certainty that you only want 
to concentrate on audiogames, and 2d-based audiogames at that, BGT is a good 
option. However if you feel you also want to branch out into end product 
optimisation, 3d-based audio, environmental effects, general purpose 
applications etc, I would give the advice to skip the scripting stage and go 
straight to learning general programming and software engineering concepts.
As far as I’m concerned, scripting languages are hinkypunks. They lure you into 
a false sense of security and then watch heartlessly while you’re dragged down 
by the realisation that programming isn’t as simple as scripting makes it out 
to be.

From: john 
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 7:48 PM
To: blind-gamers@groups.io 
Subject: Re: [blind-gamers] bgt exclude components

Hi Damien,
Thanks for such a detailed response, that gives me exactly the info I was 
looking for.
Unfortunately it is the base size of BGT I'm looking to reduce (an 850kb 
executable is a lot more than needed for 2kb of code).
Do you happen to know if there's any development being done on it at all? I 
remember Philip had said a while ago he had some updates in the works, but that 
time to work on them was limited.
Again, thank you for such a clear and helpful response. I can't say how 
refreshing it was to get this email, especially since I've been dealing with 
Microsoft support recently.

From: Damien Sykes-Lindley 
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 13:05
To: blind-gamers@groups.io 
Subject: Re: [blind-gamers] bgt exclude components

Unfortunately this isn’t possible. These components are part of the BGT engine 
rather than included scripts. Of course since BGT itself is a compiled 
executable, you can’t tell it to reduce its own size. If it were a C or C++ 
library that would be different.
Also, BGT’s version of AngelScript doesn’t do any size optimisation techniques 
like removing code that isn’t used. For instance including the sound_pool 
library and not using it would still include the sound_pool code to your final 
executable. AngelScript is updated much more regularly than BGT is, however, so 
later versions of AngelScript may or may not utilise these optimisations. This 
is one of the reasons I don’t use BGT half as often as I used to.
Literally the only way to optimise BGT executable size, is to use less code, 
and compile in release rather than debug mode.

From: john 
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 5:54 PM
To: blind-gamers@groups.io 
Subject: [blind-gamers] bgt exclude components

Hi list,
I've recently been trying to find ways to reduce the size of BGT executables. 
Specifically, I'm looking to exclude unused sections of the engine during 
compiletime; for example, if I'm writing a program to work entirely offline, 
then there's no need to include the network subsystem. Does anybody know if 
something like this is possible?
I write a lot of small, single-purpose applications that don't need many 
features, so it'd be really useful to trim them down to size, per say.

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