Hi All
Triton (TBD1500) Belt and Disc Sander

The Triton company has always been known as a company which produces
quality and innovative tools. When the company came under the grasp of
emerging tool
giant, Global Machinery Company, many woodworkers wondered whether the
Triton name and quality would live on. Thankfully, it seems this is
indeed the case.
A new line of tools have recently emerged with many new features and
quality construction, and although most products in the new range have
yet to be released
(as at Dec 2006) some are now available, including the TBD1500 belt and
disc sander, the subject of this review.

The Triton TBD1500 Belt and Disc Sander
Belt and Disc sanding combination machines are a common site in many
woodworker's shops. They provide the convenience of both belt and disc
sanding operations
in one unit, and often with a small footprint to save space. They are a
handy and very useful piece of machinery for many sanding tasks, and
makes particular
sanding tasks easy and quick to accomplish.

The Triton Belt and Disc Sander (model TBD1500) ships in a nicely
decorated, bright box (which is almost a shame to throw away), but once
you get inside
it, the box art will become an afterthought.

The first thing you will notice with this tool when you try to take it
out of the box is its weight. At 35kg (77lbs) you have to be careful not
to go straining
yourself getting it out! It's definitely a good two-person lift, unless
you are a regular gym junkie with a good back and leg muscles... But the
is not a bad thing, in fact, heavy bench and machine tools are often
easier to use, built better and run with less vibration. The weight of
the tool is
due largely in part to the cast iron construction of many components
(basically all the grey sections you see in the photos - including the
feet!). The
orange-colored parts are made from high-strength plastic, but it is good
to see that all the important sections that affect accuracy and overall
quality are comprised of cast iron material. The plastic sections
actually save the user from an even heavier lift.

Under the hood is a 250W induction motor. Like all these styles of
combination sanding machines, the belt and disc actually rotate together
when powered
up, i.e. you cannot stop one from rotating while the other is in use.
This usually presents no problem, although you do need to be wary as to
not go near
the unused sanding area, and be sure not to wear loose fitting clothing
that could catch in the machine or on the sanding surfaces. The motor
itself is
very quiet and no hearing protection will be necessary during use. At
250W the motor is powerful enough to handle all the tasks this type of
machine will
handle - face, edge and end grain sanding. It is possible to bog the
motor down a little by excessive sanding pressure, but if you are indeed
making the
motor struggle, it is likely that you are applying too much pressure on
the sanding surface to begin with. Use the motor sound to accurately
gauge how
much pressure should be applied in use. And of course, both the belt and
disc sanding surfaces can be quite aggressive with removing material, so
you will
generally only want to use a light touch. Heavy handedness can result in
removing more material than you wanted to, and as we know, it's much
harder to
replace wooden material than it is to remove it.

The motor not only powers both the disc and belt sanding components, but
it also supplies an air flow for the inbuilt dust collection. A bag
attached to
the rear of the machine inflates when power is applied to the tool.
Inflation is caused by airflow being directed into the bag, and both the
disc sander
and belt sanding sections have dust collection hoods (of sorts) to try
and capture as much of the sanding dust and debris as possible and
direct it into
the internal tool's airflow leading to the collection bag. The
collection works quite well, but if you try to remove too much material
at once, it sometimes
does not have enough pull to handle larger volumes of dust. It could be
a bit more powerful in regards to airflow volume, but with proper
sanding technique
and a light touch, it seems to handle dust collection reasonably well.
It is handy not to have to hook up a dedicated extraction unit. However,
if you
have extraction permanently in place, you can also replace the bag with
your own dust collection tube, and this will work better due to the
higher airflow
and volume a dedicated extraction system can provide. The dust port is
50mm (2") in size, so you will need a reducer attachment if you have a
4" (100mm) collection hose.

Power is applied via the simple on/off red power switch located adjacent
to the disc sander. Pull the switch upwards to apply power, push it down
to stop
the sander. A removable yellow switch safety key is attached. Once
removed from the switch, power cannot be applied to the sander, even if
the switch is
pulled up into the ON position. The safety key must be inserted into the
switch for power to be applied. A handy device for those with young
children around,
or equally useful when servicing the machine or changing belts - you
don't want any unexpected surprises when maintaining the unit!

Belt Sanding
The belt sander features a working platen area of 127mm x 230mm (5" x
9"). This is the size of the area that can be used to sand, or for
sanding support.
The actual size of the consumable belts is 100mm x 915mm (4" x 36"). So
for all intensive purposes, the belt sander is classed as a 4" belt
sander. The
belt size is very common, so sourcing replacement belts shouldn't prove
difficult at all. Most big box hardware stores will sell them, and if
not, a specialty
woodworking or trades shop will definitely have them on offer. The belt
sander runs at 580m per minute, which is pretty much the same speed an
100m sprinter runs down the track (a somewhat interesting but useless
piece of trivia!).

The belt sander is very handy for many surface and edge sanding tasks. I
use it most often to sand smooth box joins when I make finger-joined or
boxes, but it works equally well with butt-joint boxes too. It is handy
for face sanding smaller project parts where the whole face is less than
4" wide,
allowing you to sand the surface evenly. In the photos you can see me
sanding the face and edge of a Silky Oak block that forms the body of a
small mantle
clock I was building at the time. It works equally well or face sanding
or edge sanding. It can even be used to round over sharp edges to
prevent chipping
in smaller pieces too. And for curve sanding, you can use the rounded
end of the sanding belt covering the tracking end roller of the machine.

The orange "fence" you see sitting over the belt sander provides the
stop for the workpiece. As the belt rotates and when you make contact
with your workpiece
on the belt, it will pull the workpiece toward the fence stop. It is
important to rest your workpiece against this fence stop before you make
contact with
the sanding belt, otherwise the piece can be pulled from your grasp and
sent flying! The fence stop has a series of holes molded into it. These,
I am guessing,
help aid in dust flow and help to pull dust down into the unit, and into
the integrated dust collection system.

The thing to master with the belt sander is to try and apply even
pressure over the face/edge of the workpiece being sanded. Because belt
sanders can take
a lot of material off quickly, it can be easy to round edges or sand
unevenly if too much pressure on one section, or if uneven force is
applied. As mentioned
above, a light touch and good technique will produce the best results.
Practice with some scraps prior to using your good lumber if you haven't
used one
of these tools before.

The belt sander can be rotated from its horizontal position to the
vertical position quite easily. A hex screw clamps the belt sander in
your chosen position,
and it holds very well. Depending on what type of sanding you wish to do
will determine whether you use the belt sander in horizontal or vertical
In horizontal mode, the belt sander is best used for face or edge work,
as gravity (and your hands) helps keep the piece against the sanding
belt. When
you want to sanding the end grain of a workpiece however, it is often
easier to use the belt sander in vertical mode, and use the supplied
cast iron support
table to rest the workpiece on. The movement of the sanding belt in a
downward direction helps keep the workpiece flat on the support table.
It is much
easier sanding end grain in vertical mode, because in horizontal mode
you have far less support, only being able to use the stop fence as
opposed to the
larger and heavier cast iron support table in vertical mode (the support
table cannot be used in horizontal belt sanding mode).

Changing belts is accomplished through use of the belt tension lever on
the side of the belt sanding assembly. Always make sure new belts are
inserted in
the right way. The sanding belt should have arrows on the inside surface
showing intended direction of belt travel. Once a new belt is fitted,
you may
need to track the belt to ensure it runs true on the platen. A small
tracking adjustment wheel at the far end of the belt sander accomplishes
this. Start
the sander up and adjust the tracking slowly so that the belt runs true
in the center and does not start to move to either side. All
instructions are found
in the full-color manual supplied with the tool, so you shouldn't have
any problems with replacing or tracking belts.

Support Table with Miter Gauge
Speaking of the support table, the one included with the TBD1500 is of
excellent quality. Cast iron construction, including the adjustment and
support arms
provide a very solid reference surface for your workpiece. The support
table can be angled from 0 degrees to 45 degrees, and any angle in
between. The
angle scale is etched in 1 degree increments. There is a miter slot
milled into the table as well. A basic miter gauge is included too, and
to be honest,
I was expecting one of those light, flimsy plastic ones you often get
with cheaper belt/disc sanders, or sometimes supplied with a smaller
bandsaw. Not
so with the TBD1500. While the miter gauge is very basic in design and
function, the miter section itself is metal construction, being more
rigid and holding
its accuracy better. It is used in conjunction with either the belt or
disc sander, most often to sand end grain where the cut is at an angle.
i.e. a 45
degree miter cut. I was quite surprised with the support table and miter
gauge. It is an essential part of the whole tool, and it plays a big
role in sanding
accuracy, so I was delighted to see Triton too had recognized this and
built it to be strong, accurate and durable with little or no noticeable
flex in

Disc Sanding
Of course, the other major feature of this tool is the 8" disc sander.
It spins at 3000 rpm and uses adhesive-backed sandpaper disks. One is
supplied to
get you started, but again, these sanding disks are widely available,
and quite inexpensive given how much work they can do before they need
to be replaced.

The disc sander must be used in conjunction with the support table. You
cannot really hand-hold pieces when sanding on the disc. It's very
dangerous, and
extremely difficult to do. The disc sander is designed for end-grain
work predominantly, so it can be used freehand to, say, round off an
edge of a workpiece
(as shown in photos to the right) or to smooth end grain on a cut joint
using the miter gauge.

Because the disc spins in an anti-clockwise direction, you can only
really use the left side of the sanding disc, as this is the side where
the sanding
pad is spinning in a downward direction. This keeps the workpiece
pushing down on the support table. If you try to sand on the right side,
the upward moving
disc will likely grab your workpiece and cause a safety risk issue.

I prefer to use the disc sander primarily for edge rounding work. It is
the ideal tool for this, particularly for smaller projects. You won't be
able to
round the edges on a large table top with a machine like this. The
support table is just too small for a task like that, so go for a
handheld belt sander
instead. But for small project work and end ground rounding or edging,
the disc sander can get the job done fast, and with a little practice,
it will produce
a clean and well-rounded edge for your project piece. With a user-made
jig, it can also be used to perfect perfect circles after being cut on
the bandsaw.

It's not all about the wood!
When you look at this tool, or even mention sanding, wood naturally
comes to mind. And rightly so. This is a woodworking machine primarily,
but it can be
used equally effectively with some metal and plastics work. It is not
uncommon to see a woodworker sharpening chisels or plane blades using a
belt sander,
or deburring a cut edge. The sander is quite a handy tool when it comes
to tool sharpening. And it can be just as useful for plastics work. I
don't do
any plastics work myself, but I have seen others use similar sanders for
shaping and cleaning up cut plastic edges and it seems to do the job

Triton have produced a great disc/belt sander with the TBD1500. While
the only real "feature" of this tool that stands out from the rest is
the powered
dust collection, and perhaps the easier to use stop fence (some stop
fences on other sanders are flimsy and can bend easily), the overall
build quality
and strength of the TBD1500 is something that you don't often find on
similar sized machines from the competition. It appears that with the
TBD1500, Triton
has played a subtle trump card that the other manufacturers will again
have to follow if they want a slice of the portable belt/disc sander
market. I am
sure I will be using this tool a lot in my workshop in the future.

The TBD1500 has a recommended retail price of AUD$299, although it is
possible you might find it a little cheaper in retail outlets. It can be
ordered through
Triton Preferred Dealers (see Triton website for dealers list) or in
Australia via Bunnings special order desks.

For more information, or to find dealers worldwide of Triton products,

Sanding Machine Tip!
Investing in an abrasive belt cleaner is a great way to make your
sanding consumables last much longer. When the tool is running, simply
hold a belt cleaning
stick against the sandpaper surface and apply light pressure. The
cleaning stick helps remove debris from the sanding surface and in
between the grit,
cleaning the sandpaper medium and restoring it to a newer condition.
They are an inexpensive accessory that will help extend the life of your
sanding medium.
Commercial belt cleaning sticks are available for a small investment,
although I have found that using the contents from a dried out tube of
silicon that
has solidified is equally useful. Others have even used rubber shoe
soles to achieve a similar result!

Abrasive Cleaning Stick
Increases the abrasive life of sanding belts and discs up to 10 times as
long. Fast and easy to use. Cleans while your sander is running. Saves
time and
money. Improves the finish quality. PreventsBuild up.

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