First sorry to hear of your loss. I know what it's like to loose a  
partner, especially one who has been a faitful guide. So, my only real  
suggestion is hire a carpet cleaning service who has a specialty in  
dealing with your situation. I had my former German Shepherd guide  
blow his tanks in the basement after eating what we thought was a good  
treat, but discovered it might be good for some dogs, but not him.  
Needless to say we used a carpet machine my father had, but it didn't  
totally do the job so my neighbor who owns a carpet cleaning business  
brought over the heavy gear, a truck-mounted rig and really rid the  
carpet of the smell. He used some pre-spray stuff that was designed  
for this purpose and then finished it up with the heavy equipment.
Not the least expensive option perhaps, but will resolve your problem  
quickly. Hopefully it's not gotten into the wood etc.

On Jun 11, 2008, at 4:11 PM, Barry Levine wrote:

> Howdy Folks,
> Last Friday, I put down my lab, my guide for the better part of the  
> past 11
> years. Toward the end of his life, he had become, if not quite  
> incontinent,
> quite a dribbler. Our home is half carpeting, half hardwood floors. He
> wasn't allowed in most of the carpeted rooms, however, even the  
> hardwood
> floors had some area rugs which had absorbed their share of lab urine.
> We've now gotten rid of the area rugs, but have noticed that some of  
> the
> hardwood flooring underneath has taken on a faint smell of urine. Does
> anyone have any good ideas as to how to best clean this flooring so  
> as to
> get rid of the smell?
> Thanks in advance.
> --Barry

Scott Howell

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