when I worked in the violin shop many years ago, I'd
occasionally get nicked by a chisel or the like when doing fine trim work.
There was just no way to keep track of where i was cutting than to keep 
a finger from the other hand "in the way".  I never get so casual with
p[ower tools.  I used to use a product called "New Skin" instead
of bandaids, I don't know if it's still available, and have no idea if it's
actually safe, but it's probably some kind of plastic dissolved in alcohol
with a brush applicator in the top of a small bottle.  It burns like H---
when it hits the open cut, but then you know you've applied it where  it
needed.  If applied over and around the cut pretty well, it forms a coating
that keeps the cut closed and clean, assuming you wash first, for maybea day.

At least you don't have a messy bandaid comming off and getting caught up 
in things.

tom Fowle

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