We have the same issues here in Canada. Even in some major cities, one daughter 
living in Calgary collects her mail from a box in a shelter in the middle of 
their subdivision. Most of the city has door delivery but not all.

We used to get general delivery for free and you would rent a box in the post 
office but some changes to the regulations have meant we now have a minimal box 
free, extra for a larger one say for business or even a private bag. Our 
hospital uses a private bag, we pick it up and return an empty one in it's 

My son in London and my other daughter in Lindsay get door delivery, we used to 
have it in Dawson Creek and in Chatham. 

The world does not guarantee equity for all and sometimes we forget that it 
doesn't owe any of us anything.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: wstep...@everestkc.net 
  To: blindhandyman@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 6:03 PM
  Subject: Re: [BlindHandyMan] Mailbox Post

    Dale: When I lived in East Central Kansas for a while, we had a mailbox 
where a section road intersected a blacktop road, and it was mounted on what 
probably was a fence post. It was a convenient target for kids with .22s and 
air rifles, and had to be replaced pretty frequently.
  I'm not sure what determines whether someone in a rural area gets mail 
delivered or not. I've lived in a couple small towns where if you wanted mail 
you rented a box from the Postal Service. The Post Office in the US is a 
quasi-government corporation, which means they do get subsidized significantly. 
Because they've been losing tremendous amounts of money for years, attempts are 
underway to close a lot of post offices. It's a problem for a lot of places, 
because nobody wants their particfular post office to close down. 

  Bill Stephan 
  Kansas Citty MO 
  Email: wstep...@everestkc.net 
  Phone: (816)803-2469

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Dale Leavens <dleav...@puc.net>
  Date: Thursday, August 27, 2009 4:23 pm
  Subject: Re: [BlindHandyMan] Mailbox Post
  > Victor! 
  > We don't have mail delivery in this town. Many people get their 
  > mail dropped in a postal box at the corner of a concession road or 
  > at the entry to a subdivision in many many parts of the country. 
  > Our stamps cost exactly the same as yours. Frankly, I resent the 
  > services you take for granted that I have to pay for. I could 
  > stick a box on a post anywhere I like around here and with luck 
  > the only thing it would get put in it would be a family of birds. 
  > Yes, we do have to trek through the snow and rain and what ever 
  > else to collect our mail and to send it too and we pay the same 
  > federal taxes as you do. We pay more for gasoline and milk and 
  > eggs and just about everything else so to that extent we pay more 
  > taxes than you. Next month Janet has a mammogram booked. to take a 
  > cab would cost $120 each way, what would it cost your wife? 
  > You city folk have it so soft and you don't even know it. 
  > ----- Original Message ----- 
  > From: Victor 
  > To: blindhandyman@yahoogroups.com 
  > Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 4:13 PM 
  > Subject: Re: [BlindHandyMan] Mailbox Post 
  > Hi Dale, 
  > If you pay your taxes, then you most certainly have a right to 
  > how you get 
  > your mail delivered. 
  > When you live in a particular county, you are essentially 
  > telling the county 
  > that you agree to abide by their rules and policies. 
  > In addition, by you paying your property taxes, you are giving 
  > them silent 
  > consent to make any rules you wish them to make at town hall 
  > meetings and 
  > the like. 
  > I'll bet if you were to ask those 100000 people if they enjoyed 
  > having to 
  > trek out in a snow storm to collect their mail from the post 
  > office, I'll 
  > bet the majority of them would say no. 
  > Your taxes, be they provincial, municipal and federal taxes pay 
  > for post 
  > services. The stamps you pay for, the delivery charges, all of 
  > that amounts 
  > to paying someone to do something for you. 
  > Would you be happy to go pick up your dinner from a pizza 
  > parlour if you 
  > were paying them to deliver it? 
  > I'm sorry, but living in this country, you have certain rights, 
  > and those 
  > rights include managing your mail. 
  > If the government is going to take responsibility for mail 
  > delivery, then 
  > they should be responsible for how they get it to you, 
  > especially when 
  > you're paying for it. Oh, and none of the bull about us having 
  > it cheap for 
  > mail delivery, have you seen how much postal workers make and 
  > the benefits 
  > they get? 
  > Happy about it indeed. 
  > Victor 
  > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] 


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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