Dan, the piping that you're putting under the floor are you planning to have 
it come out of the floor like a draine to take the water away encase a 
washer decides that it's going to back up? Why finish the basement why not 
put carpet down on the floor? so in a way you built a deck on top of your 
floor with out 4 by 4 beams in the ground? Awesome though. I like it.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Dan Rossi
To: Blind Handyman List
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 11:38 AM
Subject: [BlindHandyMan] Basement floor update.

Not much to update. I have the majority of the floor structure in place,
and all joists are blocked in nicely. That was quite tedious.

I now need to put some PVC piping in place to limit the damage of any
basement flooding due to a washer or water tank disaster, or incursion of
water from the exterior door. Basically, just some pipes to channel the
water directly to the main floor drain.

Once that is done I can start laying down the decking.

I am probably going to have to go a couple of weeks without basement
stairs though. I can't put the last two joists in place until I rip out
the old stairs. Then I will have to lay down, and block those last two
joists, then put the decking down in that area, then build the new steps.
Since I only get to work on this stuff on weekends, and have lots of other
things to also get done on weekends chances are, that little bit of work
will take two, or even three weekends to get done. Will have to be on my
toes to remember not to just go running down to the basement during the
time the stairs are missing.

Blue skies.
Dan Rossi
Carnegie Mellon University.
E-Mail: d...@andrew.cmu.edu
Tel: (412) 268-9081


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