Just to follow-up on two points raised by Daniel:

On 25/06/2022 14:09, Frédéric Wang wrote:
You mentioned fuzzy testing. Do the fuzzing tools have support for mathml elements? If not, you should probably add a to-do item to teach them.

MathML has been there for several years so I do expect (naively?) that fuzzers have some kind of support already. My understanding is that fuzzing tools can either generate data or "shuffle" from existing input. For the latter, we have now a bunch of WPT tests with MathML to feed the fuzzers and I believe these are particularly interesting to cover edge cases with CSS, JS, etc. For the former, I thought that was the case for https://github.com/MozillaSecurity/ or https://github.com/renatahodovan/ but can't find any up-to-date repo for MathML currently, so I agree we need to work on that.
So we've been contacting various security people doing browser fuzzing to make sure their tools handle MathML and are aware of MathML Core. We've also spent some time focusing more precisely on Chromium-related fuzzing, basically increasing code coverage of "in-process guided fuzzing" for low-level font modules and teaching MathML Core grammar to DOM fuzzers. For details please read https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1340884

What is the situation for developers that learn about this and want to start using it? Are there good resources for learning how to write MathML? I think a feature like this also deserves some attention when it lands. Maybe that will happen by itself, or maybe someone needs to initiate it. That info should probably also mention initial limitations like printing, (multi-column?) and non-Core.

Similarly, MathML has been there for a while so there is already a bunch of resource available about MathML (e.g. MDN to mention the obvious one) as wellas editors & converters to generate it, polyfills to cover browser's limitations, etc but I agree they will probably need a refresh since (1) we implement a core subset (2) we are moving to an extensible approach based on web technologies (3) there are chrome-specific bugs like the printing one.

Also started to update MDN e.g.

Of course, we can probably get help from the MathML community to update it.

Frédéric Wang

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