Thanks for doing that work, Daniel!

0.015% effective breakage is way better than 0.25%, but it's still ~5x
higher than what we're typically comfortable with.
I'm wondering if folks have creative ideas on the outreach front - +Andre
Bandarra <> in particular

Otherwise, maybe it makes sense to finch this at 50% on Beta, Dev and
Canary channels, to convince folks this is indeed coming?

On Fri, Oct 21, 2022 at 1:40 PM Daniel Vogelheim <>

> On Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 5:23 AM Yoav Weiss <> wrote:
>> Thanks for the detailed report!!
>> It's great that we've managed to bring the usage down, but 0.25% is still
>> too high for my comfort levels.
>> Taking a manual survey of the major users seems like the right approach.
>> I wonder if you could, on top of the top sites, also run a random survey of
>> the bottom half of usage, to get a sense of breakage there?
> The long tail is long. :)  Chromestatus offers a "Sample URLs" table for
> each feature, so I took the top 50 sample URLs for
> CrossOriginAccessBasedOnDocumentDomain
> <> [1]
> and examined them manually, with & without Origin-Agent-Cluster on by
> default.
> - 47 sites worked without any obvious problems. I usually examined the
> main site and one page linked from the main site.
> - 3 sites did not. Interestingly, one of them was another country domain
> of the site I reported on in the "top 9" cases; and the other two were
> different country domains of the same site. I guess one can now argue
> whether I found 3 or only 2 sites that break. [2]
> - If I assume Chromestatus URL sampling is vaguely proportional to page
> views, then: 0.25% page views use the feature, 3 / 50 with visible issues
> => 0.015% potential of problem page views.
> [1] I'm not sure what their sampling method is; and in particular whether
> it's stable and everyone gets the same list, or whether the random sample
> is random every time. If it's relevant, I can provide the list of URLs I
> used.
> [2] I'm not sure if listing the sites publicly is desired, or even
> permissible. One is a commercial site focused on sports results; the other
> a non-commercial site focused on onscreen keyboards for different languages.
>> On Mon, Oct 17, 2022 at 4:39 PM Daniel Vogelheim <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> It's been a while and 109 is coming up. As I'm preparing the
>>> intent-to-ship for 109, I'd like to post an update on how the deprecation
>>> is going:
>>> Current usage: Since announcing the deprecation, usage of
>>> document.domain-enabled accesses have dropped by about 50%.
>>> - Feature stats: DocumentDomainEnabledCrossOriginAccess
>>> <>
>>> - Note that this *includes* usage when an Origin-Agent-Cluster header is
>>> explicitly set, which is sustainable use that is not affected by the
>>> deprecation.
>>> - CrossOriginAccessBasedOnDocumentDomain
>>> <> is
>>> usage of document.domain enabled access, but only when based on the
>>> Origin-Agent-Cluster's default (which is what this intent wants to change.)
>>> This graph has the correct numbers for this intent; but makes long-term
>>> trends harder to see because we only introduced the use counter *during*
>>> the deprecation period.
>>> - So basically, usage has dropped form ~0.5% of page views (
>>> DocumentDomainEnabledCrossOriginAccess
>>> <> @
>>> Nov '21) to about ~0.25% of page views (
>>> CrossOriginAccessBasedOnDocumentDomain
>>> <> @
>>> Sept '22)
>>> When gathering the data for this post, I double-checked on a particular,
>>> well-known media site that we had contacted about the deprecation during
>>> the past months. I was surprised to notice that despite our outreach and
>>> communication, they *still* use document.domain and document.domain
>>> facilitated cross-origin access. But when taking a closer look, an
>>> interesting find emerged: They are using document.domain setting to enable
>>> auto-play of their media player, which is hosted on a separate domain. Our
>>> advice was to use the 'autoplay' permission policy with permission
>>> delegation instead. They are indeed doing so, but *in addition* to
>>> document.domain setting. In other words, they opted for a conservative
>>> implementation strategy where they auto-play their frame with two different
>>> methods. When I load their page with document.domain setting disabled, it
>>> works fine. That's a fine implementation strategy, but unfortunately it
>>> mucks up our statistics since our use counters cannot know whether other
>>> code exists to compensate for a failed document.domain facilitated access.
>>> When discussing this finding with another engineer, he suggested that
>>> we're really interested in user-visible web breakage. Since I don't know
>>> how to measure that directly, I manually looked at all top users of
>>> document.domain and loaded each page with/without document.domain setting
>>> to see if I could spot any difference. Document.domain usage - like the web
>>> in general - is quite "top heavy": 9 sites account for about 50% of all
>>> remaining dd usage.
>>> - 7 sites work without any discernible difference. (Caveat: Many use
>>> languages I do not understand, which makes it difficult to spot subtle
>>> differences in content. But to me, the sites looked and used the same,
>>> regardless of document.domain setting. Caveat 2: One site requires a login,
>>> so I could only really test the login page rather than their core
>>> functionality.)
>>> - 1 site worked just the same, except for a pair of very extra fancy ad
>>> frames that "framed" the main content left and right. The main content,
>>> including in-page ads, seemed just fine, but the fancy ad frames were
>>> missing.
>>> - 1 site was clearly missing content.
>>> For both of the last two, the console showed uncaught DOM exceptions for
>>> a failed cross-domain access. What I suspect happens in the first case is
>>> that during construction of the fancy ad frames an exception is thrown and
>>> hence the frames aren't inserted in the page. In the second case something
>>> similar happens, but when building up the main content. Or maybe before
>>> building up the main content. Thus, that part of the main content is
>>> missing.
>>> (We don't like broken web pages, so we reached out separately to the
>>> owners of that last page on Friday. Their support has promised to put us in
>>> contact with one of their developers which, as of this writing, hasn't
>>> happened yet.)
>>> On Fri, Jan 21, 2022 at 9:23 PM Yoav Weiss <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> LGTM1 to deprecate under the following conditions:
>>>>    - As discussed, a 6 months deprecation period, as well as
>>>>    broad-scope and targeted outreach, that would hopefully bring usage 
>>>> down.
>>>>    - A well-crafted deprecation message that indicates the timeline,
>>>>    and at the same time indicates that we'll be responsive to community
>>>>    feedback (or a link to a blog post/documentation page that indicates
>>>>    the same)
>>>>    - Sending a separate intent for the actual removal at the end of
>>>>    the deprecation period, once the picture is a bit clearer.

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