Hi there,

On 10/25/23 2:09 PM, J C wrote:
I am looking forward to requesting this third-party deprecation trial <https://developer.chrome.com/en/docs/privacy-sandbox/third-party-cookie-phase-out/#request-additional-time-with-the-third-party-deprecation-trial-for-non-advertising-use-cases>. I am a littleĀ bit confused whether "Register for DisableThirdPartyStoragePartitioning Trial <https://developer.chrome.com/origintrials/#/register_trial/-8517432795264450559>" is the one? Or, there will be dedicated trial will be released soon.

No, DisableThirdPartyStoragePartitioning does not affect Third Party Cookies (though I can understand how that is confusing). You can continue to follow this list and watch out for an Intent covering that dedicated trial, and I imagine the linked blog post will be updated once it's released as well.


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