On Fri, Mar 1, 2024 at 12:16 AM Chris Harrelson <chris...@chromium.org>

> On Thu, Feb 29, 2024 at 3:11 PM 'Khushal Sagar' via blink-dev <
> blink-dev@chromium.org> wrote:
>> Contact emailskhushalsa...@chromium.org, nrosent...@chromium.org
>> Explainer
>> https://github.com/WICG/view-transitions/blob/main/cross-doc-explainer.md#pageconceal
> https://github.com/WICG/view-transitions/blob/main/cross-doc-explainer.md#pageswap
>> Specificationhttps://html.spec.whatwg.org/#the-pageswapevent-interface
>> Summary
>> The `pageswap` event is fired on a Document's window object when a
>> navigation will replace this Document with a new Document. The event
>> provides activation info about the navigation (type, NavigationHistoryEntry
>> for the new Document). If the navigation has a cross-document
>> ViewTransition, the event is dispatched before capturing state for the old
>> Document. This allows the page-author to configure the old state captured
>> for the transition based on the navigation's activation info and the
>> current visual state of the old Document. This feature is split out from
>> the larger ViewTransition-on-Navigation project.
Why is it split out? Is there some utility for this regardless of view

>> Blink componentBlink>ViewTransitions
>> <https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/list?q=component:Blink%3EViewTransitions>
>> TAG review
>> https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/851#issuecomment-1924730258
>> TAG review statusPending
>> Risks
>> Interoperability and Compatibility
>> None
>> *Gecko*: Positive (
>> https://github.com/mozilla/standards-positions/issues/969)
Is that the right position?

>> *WebKit*: No signal (
>> https://github.com/WebKit/standards-positions/issues/313)
>> *Web developers*: Strongly positive This is one of the building blocks
>> for cross-document View Transitions which has high developer demand.
>> *Other signals*:
>> WebView application risks
>> Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing APIs, such that
>> it has potentially high risk for Android WebView-based applications?
>> None
>> Debuggability
>> None
>> Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac,
>> Linux, ChromeOS, Android, and Android WebView)?Yes
>> Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests
>> <https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/main/docs/testing/web_platform_tests.md>
>> ?Yes
>> https://wpt.fyi/results/html/browsers/browsing-the-web/history-traversal/pageconceal?label=experimental&label=master&aligned.
>> A PR to rename the event to pageswap in WPTs is in flight.
>> Flag name on chrome://flagsPageSwapEvent
>> Finch feature namePageSwapEvent
>> Requires code in //chrome?False
>> Tracking bughttps://issues.chromium.org/issues/41495176
>> Estimated milestones
>> Shipping on desktop 124
>> Shipping on Android 124
>> Shipping on WebView 124
>> Anticipated spec changes
>> Open questions about a feature may be a source of future web compat or
>> interop issues. Please list open issues (e.g. links to known github issues
>> in the project for the feature specification) whose resolution may
>> introduce web compat/interop risk (e.g., changing to naming or structure of
>> the API in a non-backward-compatible way).
>> None
>> Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status
>> https://chromestatus.com/feature/5479301497749504
>> Links to previous Intent discussionsIntent to prototype:
>> https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/msgid/blink-dev/CAMLuWUyCjahhiLy_%2B3mXTfF9v8h0T7tuZRa2FujT1qn_%3DXfQpw%40mail.gmail.com
>> This intent message was generated by Chrome Platform Status
>> <https://chromestatus.com/>.
>> --
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>> https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/msgid/blink-dev/CAMLuWUx41iLjW2A7LuvQfv95EOrVGh_969kit4WjuGZiu0ZhbQ%40mail.gmail.com
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