On Wed, Mar 6, 2024 at 11:54 AM Noam Rosenthal <nrosent...@chromium.org>

>>>> Summary
>>>> The `pageswap` event is fired on a Document's window object when a
>>>> navigation will replace this Document with a new Document. The event
>>>> provides activation info about the navigation (type, NavigationHistoryEntry
>>>> for the new Document). If the navigation has a cross-document
>>>> ViewTransition, the event is dispatched before capturing state for the old
>>>> Document. This allows the page-author to configure the old state captured
>>>> for the transition based on the navigation's activation info and the
>>>> current visual state of the old Document. This feature is split out from
>>>> the larger ViewTransition-on-Navigation project.
>> Why is it split out? Is there some utility for this regardless of view
>> transitions?
> Absolutely! For example it's a place where you can figure out that you're
> navigating away to a different same-origin document (after redirects), and
> act on it in some way, e.g. put something in `sessionStorage` like a video
> playback position.
> It's different from `pagehide` in that sense, because with `pagehide` you
> don't know you're going to a new document.
> Also by having a generic event with an optional viewTransition property,
> it can tell the author that a view transition *didn't* take place, which we
> can't do with a view-transition event.
> The design for this (as for `pagerveal`) started from
> view-transition-specific events and ended up gravitating towards this kind
> of event with an optional attribute for this reason, and also to avoid a
> situation where people create fake view transitions for the purpose of
> getting these events.

Makes sense!

>>>> Blink componentBlink>ViewTransitions
>>>> <https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/list?q=component:Blink%3EViewTransitions>
>>>> TAG review
>>>> https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/851#issuecomment-1924730258
>>>> TAG review statusPending
>>>> Risks
>>>> Interoperability and Compatibility
>>>> None
>>>> *Gecko*: Positive (
>>>> https://github.com/mozilla/standards-positions/issues/969)
>> Is that the right position?
> Yes, the name was changed while iterating, but it's the same feature and
> Gecko folks took active part in the design and reviews.

Ooh, got it!

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