Since stopping archiving of blinux-list didn't stop spammer, we have proof that spammer is a subscriber of blinux-list. Now I'm hiding sender email address of a message to blinux list, replacing it with the list address.

This should stop email address harvesting and spamming.

Best Regards
(maintainer blinux-list)

On 18.04.2017 19:44, Jeffery Mewtamer wrote:
As I understand it, RedHat is just providing the hosting and has
nothing to do with the actual operation of the list, and since most of
the list's functionality is completely automated, there might not even
be a flesh and blood person behind whatever e-mail serves as the list

Whether the spammer is using the e-mail addresses attached to
individual messages as they're sent to subscribers or e-mail addresses
taken from the latest archived posts is probably impossible to tell,
but I deduce that the spam is being sent to individual poster's e-mail
addresses rather than the list itself and are independant of
legitimate post volume since I only get spam when I reply to a thread
and get a slew of the spam messages even if I was the last poster.

Banning Amy might work if she's getting the e-mail addresses from
messages landing in her inbox, but if the e-mail adresses are coming
from the archives or a second e-mail account subscribed to the list, I
don't think anything short of changing the list's configuration to not
include the sender's e-mail in either ther e-mails sent to individual
subscribers or the archives, and doing so would probably be necessary
to stop all future spam attempts that don't rely on being a
subscriber, and even if there is a flesh and blood person behind the
e-mail that serves as list owner, the list software might not allow

That said, I accepted long ago that the only way to avoid spam e-mail
altogether is to not use e-mail at all just as the only foolproof
means of avoiding telemarketers is to not have a phone.

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