Tony Baechler here. All of my SSI. They decided they could manage my money better than I could and would decide how much of a stipend I should get. It was all in the name of independence. I guess if they decide how much of my money to hand out, it teaches me to manage money better. I told them that wasn't going to happen and the problems esculated from there. They didn't make me pay rent as they were funded by rehab. I won in the end. Rather than going to their approved supermarket, I found a small grocery store who would deliver. That was funny! They got so mad that I beat their system! I left shortly after that.

On 4/26/2017 9:53 AM, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
Tony Baechler here. I don't know who you are...

Amanda Lacy. Sorry I forgot to sign my message - this new list format
is confusing.

They tried to take my SSI ...

Wow! All, or just some? What for? Asking you to pay some rent would
make sense,,, but nobody pays all their money toward rent. I went to
Criss Cole which I believe is not one of the official NFB centers, and
they did not ask for any money.

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