Hi Toke, Stefan, Aaron,

> On Sep 21, 2017, at 13:16, Toke Høiland-Jørgensen <t...@toke.dk> wrote:
>> It would be interesting if we could run some netperf tests using port
>> 80/443 for the listening socket for the data connection (although if
>> doing deep-packet inspection, we might need to use an actual HTTP
>> transfer).
> Trouble with this is that netserver would have to run as root to be able
> to bind to the ports; it does that dynamically, so binding at startup
> and dropping privileges won't work. Also it would mean that no other
> services could run on those ports.
> For your use case, my guess would also be differences in the server
> connection (or peering), though. I do believe dslreports will open
> connections to multiple servers; you could try running one of the
> rtt_fair Flent tests against multiple servers to see if you can push
> more data that way...

        After a free registration you can actually select the servers you want 
to test against as well as the number of concurrent streams. There even is a 
command line version of the dslreports speedtest 
(https://www.dslreports.com/forum/speedtestbinary) which offers the following 
bash-3.2$ ./dslrcli-darwin-amd64 --help
   Dslrcli - Test network speed

   dslrcli-darwin-amd64 [global options] command [command options] 
   0.1 - 13-Dec-2016
   DSLReports.com <www.dslreports.com> 
     daemonmode, W  run in daemonmode
     help, h        Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --debug, -d                
   --printlog, -l             Prints the log on the screen.
   --uname value              Your DslReports.com username - OPTIONAL.
   --upassword value          Your DslReports.com password - OPTIONAL.
   --machinename value        A machine name for the daemon mode. (default: 
   --apikey value             Your DslReports.com API Key - OPTIONAL.
   --up value                 Number of streams to use for upload tests 
(default: "4")
   --uploadtime value         Time limit to end the upload test in. (default: 
   --down value               Number of streams to use for download tests. 
(default: "6")
   --hz value                 The frequency (in hz) at which speed samples are 
to be taken. (default: 1)
   --downloadtime value       Time limit to end the download test in. (default: 
   --perserver value          The number of streams per server. (default: "3")
   --totalstreams value       The total number of streams to use for the 
speedtests - OPTIONAL (default: "X")
   --comment value, -c value  Include comment with test result.
   --output value, -o value   Specify type of output . 'json' and 'csv' are 
currently supported. (default: "default")
   --upload-only              Performs the Upload test only.
   --download-only            Performs the Download test only.
   --daemon                   Runs the DslReports client in daemon mode.
   --daemon-cmd value         Daemon sub command install, uninstall.
   --authfile value           A json file containing username and password for 
   --platform value           Specify a platform (GPRS, 3G, 4G, WiFi, Wireless, 
Satellite, DSL, Cable, Fiber, Unsure). (default: "Unsure")
   --latlong value            Specify a latitude longitude of the region to 
select servers from. In the form -latlong a,b
   --ipv4                     IPv4
   --ipv6                     IPv6
   --help, -h                 show help
   --version, -v              print the version
So you can specify the number of servers (--totalstreams MM; 
totalstreams/perserver shoukld equal number of servers) as well as the number 
of flows per server (--perserver NN). Anyway, no back to the regularly 
scheduled programming...

Best Regards

> -Toke
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