as promised here is the script I run after rebooting my openwrt box,
to set up cake

On Mon, Aug 10, 2020 at 10:00 AM Daniel Sterling
<> wrote:
> So I've been wanting to write up what I did to improve my home network
> for a while.
> Here's a quick overview:
> I'm running a small laptop-class sandy bridge CPU in a small desktop
> computer, running openwrt, running cake. It has two NICs -- the
> built-in realtek NIC, and an old Intel gigabit NIC in the PCI slot.
> Internet goes into the realtek NIC and out the Intel NIC. (WAN / LAN in 
> openwrt)
> my internet is AT&T gigabit fiber, but I throttle that heavily  with
> cake (see below)
> I manually apply cake with my own scripts. I'll post those on gist and
> reply to this email with that info, just wanted to write this up
> quickly this morning. but it's basically just, apply two simple cake
> tc lines to the NICs.
> For wifi I use UBNT's SOHO line -- Amplifi HD units.
> it works really rather well; after some tweaking I've managed to
> essentially get rid of the things that I've empirically found really
> hurt home network performance:
> 1. wifi dead zones -- solved by using as many amplifi HD units as you
> like, meshed or wired together. obviously wires are better than mesh
> and a dedicated backhaul set of APs is better than mesh but mesh works
> too.
> 2. wifi trying to use 5ghz when it's too slow and refusing to switch
> to 2ghz -- solved by amplifi AP having a setting where it kicks
> devices off the 5ghz network proactively to convice them to switch to
> 2ghz. thank you UBNT!
> 3. TCP not dropping enough packets. (or rather, not having good queue
> management)
> 4. TCP (or rather, the network) dropping too many TCP packets --
> streams / apps / web sites will get "stuck"
> so after much tweaking, I've got cake set to 40mbit down, 20mbit up,
> enforced by two cakes (one for each NIC). that's fairly low --
> it's low to highly throttle bulk streams so that I  can play
> latency-sensitive games with basically no jitter and low latency, even
> if other people are using the wifi. even if I can't wire an xbox, I
> can still get low latency gaming on wifi
> but it's still high enough that we can stream HD video.
> and of course low jitter and low latency across the board means good
> ssh and video cal performance.
> just wanted to write this up quickly to reply to this thread -- cake
> really is amazing and I'd bet people would be willing to pay for a
> magic box like I've set up that they can stick in between their
> existing CPE and a decent AP that applies cake. or if AP vendors would
> put cake in their APs themselves, that would be good too.
> but as you note #1 and #2 on my list are important, even before queue
> management comes into play. you have to be willing to buy a good AP
> before cake really starts to matter, I think
> -- Dan
> On Mon, Aug 10, 2020 at 8:57 AM David Collier-Brown <> 
> wrote:
> >
> > On 2020-08-09 5:35 p.m., Jonathan Morton wrote:
> >
> > Are the risks and tradeoffs well enough understood (and visible enough
> > for troubleshooting) to recommend broader deployment?
> >
> > I recently gave openwrt a try on some hardware that I ultimately
> > concluded was insufficient for the job.  Fairly soon after changing out
> > my access point, I started getting complaints of Wi-Fi dropping in my
> > household, especially when someone was trying to videoconference.  I
> > discovered that my AP was spontaneously rebooting, and the box was
> > getting hot.
> >
> > Most CPE devices these days rely on hardware accelerated packet forwarding 
> > to achieve their published specs.  That's all about taking packets in one 
> > side and pushing them out the other as quickly as possible, with only 
> > minimal support from the CPU (likely, new connections get a NAT/firewall 
> > lookup, that's all).  It has the advantages of speed and power efficiency, 
> > but unfortunately it is also incompatible with our debloating efforts.  So 
> > debloated CPE will tend to run hotter and with lower peak throughput, which 
> > may be noticeable to cable and fibre users; VDSL (FTTC) users might have 
> > service of 80Mbps or less where this effect is less likely to matter.
> >
> > It sounds like that AP had a very marginal thermal design which caused the 
> > hardware to overheat as soon as the CPU was under significant load, which 
> > it can easily be when a shaper and AQM are running on it at high 
> > throughput.  The cure is to use better designed hardware, though you could 
> > also contemplate breaking the case open to cure the thermal problem 
> > directly.  There are some known reliable models which could be collected 
> > into a list.  As a rule of thumb, the ones based on ARM cores are likely to 
> > be designed with CPU performance more in mind than those with MIPS.
> >
> > Cake has some features which can be used to support explicit classification 
> > and (de)prioritisation of traffic via firewall marking rules, either by 
> > rewriting the Diffserv field or by associating metadata with packets within 
> > the network stack (fwmark).  This can be very useful for pushing Bittorrent 
> > or WinUpdate swarm traffic out of the way.  But for most situations, the 
> > default flow-isolating behaviour already works pretty well, especially for 
> > ensuring that one computer's network load has only a bounded effect on any 
> > other.  We can discuss that in more detail if that would be helpful.
> >
> > I'm primarily thinking of this week's version of the home router problem 
> > (;-))
> >
> > Because of the degree to which we're working from home and 
> > videoconferencing, a lot of low-price, medium-performance devices are 
> > suddenly too wimpy for their new role.
> >
> > A (very!) draft version is up in Google docs, at 
> >
> >
> > Using myself as the guinea-pig, running pfifo-fast was clearly bad, 
> > fq_codel was better, and cake was good with a newish Fedora and the stock 
> > Rogers router.  It's been a while since I did rrul tests, and in any case, 
> > I think that to convince readers we need a very practical way of making it 
> > clear that they have a problem. I'm thinking that making VOIP fail might do 
> > the trick (;-))
> >
> > The hard part, IMHO, is constructing a test that immediately communicates 
> > the idea that the reader has a problem, and that CAKE addresses it.
> >
> > Returning to the hardware question, seems to be 
> > capable of handling up to ~300 Mbit/S connections, and my ISP only delivers 
> > 170 (and advertises 150, which is mildly surprising!)
> >
> > I just ordered one, so I'll have a 'plug in" example, along with reflashing 
> > my linksys for the umpty-thousandth time.
> >
> > --dave
> >
> >  I suspect not enough people are aware of the later efforts of the 
> > bufferbloat team, so I'm thinking of one or two articles, starting with LWN 
> > and an audience of aficionados.
> >
> > The core community is aware of what we've done, but in my view we haven't 
> > converted "grandma". Grandma, as well as a whole bunch of ordinary 
> > engineers and partners of engineers, are dependent on debloated performance 
> > because they're working at home now, and competing with granddaughter 
> > playing video games while they're trying to hold a video call.
> >
> > Right now, my colleagues at work suffer from more than a second of 
> > bloat-related lag. They therefore tend to speak over each other on 
> > con-calls, apologize, start again and talk over each other, again. After a 
> > little while, the picture becomes a distinctly silly one: a bunch of grown 
> > adults putting their hands up and waving, like little kids in school. 
> > No-one has called out “me, me, teacher” yet, but I expect it any time.
> >
> > I propose we show the results in terms that we can explain to Grandma, 
> > specifically concentrating on functioning VOIP. I just upgraded to Fedora 
> > 31, and the networking is absolutely stock, so I make a perfect 
> > victim/guinea-pig (;-))
> >
> > Who's interested?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > David Collier-Brown,         | Always do right. This will gratify
> > System Programmer and Author | some people and astonish the rest
> >           |                      -- Mark Twain
> >
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