On 7/23/21 4:04 PM, Peter Murray-Rust wrote:
I am interested in mining the content of chemical preprints and have a number of questions. * who is running the preprints server/s? The ACS appeared to be involved but now it looks like CUP?  Is this a single function/site? What is the history? * CUP seemed to state that there would be an API on day one, but it's not obvious to me * is anyone else interested in mining/indexing content? I would be happy to talk.
* is the only format PDF? (I'm resigned to that and can cope)
* is machine-processable chemistry of any sort deposited? on any systematic basis? required or optional? * is any material (e.g. chemical structures, spectra, etc. deposited? can it be easily retrieved?

A few links that you might find helpful:

1) for the early phase of the service: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/353/6301/740 and https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsnano.6b07008

2) for the more recent evolution: https://connect.acspubs.org/chemrxiv (thanks for pointing out the managerial change, by the way... I might have missed it!)

3) for almost everything else: https://chemrxiv.org/engage/chemrxiv/submission-information ; an API is mentioned, but without an endpoint it isn't very useful. The CUP announcement says that an API will become (future tense) available in the near future. The announcement is 6 days old, I assume it will take a couple of weeks at least.

I assume the content will be mostly PDF, sometimes better (with structured data for X-ray structures or spectra, for example), sometimes worse (according to the FAQ Powerpoint presentation are accepted... shudder).

Best regards,

Alain Borel

EPFL Library

CH-1015 Lausanne (Switzerland)

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