Thanks Alain for the sanity check.
The site is very unclear, and somewhat depressing. There is almost no
information about chemistry anywhere.

Despite the web site saying there is an API I can't find any docs. And I
worry that there is a "sign in" button which allows the providers to
monitor activity. Maybe it's only for submissions - we'll see.

On Fri, Jul 23, 2021 at 3:23 PM Alain Borel <> wrote:

> 2) for the more recent evolution:
> (thanks for pointing out the managerial change, by the way... I might have
> missed it!)
It's still unclear who is running the docs. Many of the pointers go to the

> 3) for almost everything else:
> ; an API is
> mentioned, but without an endpoint it isn't very useful. The CUP
> announcement says that an API will become (future tense) available in the
> near future. The announcement is 6 days old, I assume it will take a couple
> of weeks at least.
Well I might send an email.

> I assume the content will be mostly PDF, sometimes better (with structured
> data for X-ray structures or spectra, for example), sometimes worse
> (according to the FAQ Powerpoint presentation are accepted... shudder).


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Peter Murray-Rust
Reader Emeritus in Molecular Informatics
Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry
University of Cambridge
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