
I'm getting this issue on a Blueonyx 5106R, the CPU status in ActiveMonitor is Red due to an high cpu usage.

Connecting to the box, and executing the top command i get:

 1426 root      25   0  7448 2276 1832 R 19.6  0.1  14:59.06 dovecot-auth                                                                                                         
 3996 root      25   0  7448 2276 1832 R 19.6  0.1 575:04.45 dovecot-auth                                                                                                         
17290 root      25   0  7448 2272 1828 R 19.6  0.1  25:31.26 dovecot-auth                                                                                                         
 3510 root      25   0  7448 2276 1832 R 17.7  0.1 236:41.74 dovecot-auth

Even after stopping the dovecot daemon, those processes still resides in execution, i had to kill it via kill -9 in order to get rid of them.

Right now this issue happened once a day.
Any idea why it's happening ?

Thanks in advance

Best Regards

Stefano Cecconello

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