Le 12/05/11 18:28, Christian Lohmaier a écrit :

Hi *,

> Actually only 30 unconfirmed ones (well, those that use the unconfirmed 
> state).
> I don't know who would have the rights to do so, but enforcing
> unconfirmed state for non-developer/non-qa people might make sense to
> get a better overview.

Pardon for butting in, but I have to agree with Christian on this one.
Bugzilla is a bit of a PITA for its, errmm, lack of a rigourous QA
triage setting.

> No, that's not quite correct. OOo had a needmoreinfo keyword, not a
> needmoreinfo status - And fdo bugzilla has a NEEDINFO keyword, so
> pretty much the same.
> The big difference was that only people with special IZ permissions
> could promote an issue from unconfirmed state to new state.
> fdo bugzilla even has the NEEDINFO bug status - but that rather is the
> final resolution after there was no response after a while (like
> closing the issue as worksforme or invalid in OOo's IssueZilla)
> The first step would be to make use of Unconfirmed state, then
> QA-volunteers can direct their efforts to those that have not yet been
> reviewed.

Well said. Does that also mean we could also signal confirmed bugs to
the relevant "recognised" developer if there is one ? That's what we
could do on QA in OOo. However, I fear my pet module, Base, may find
itself in somewhat of a dead end ;-)


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