Hi Andreas,

Am 28.08.2020 um 08:18 schrieb Andreas Mantke:
> Hi,
> I have two first questions to the candidates:
> a) regarding the mission of the MC (§ 12 of the statutes) have you
> already participated in board calls during the last two years as
> external (non-member)?
Yes, I was regularly in the calls (well as long as my work allowed it)
as you can read in the meeting minutes and also asked some critical
questions. ;-)

> b) What is your personal take on a 'cooling down' periode between being
> a member of leading bodies of the foundation, regarding the first
> sentence in the statutes § 12?
We have seen in the past many people stepping down in the MC to get part
of the next BoD. As you're German: that has some "Geschmäckle" (it is
My personal opinion is that you should not step down to get into another
body. You got voted in and thus you might simply wait and do not rerun
for the same body. A longer "cooling down" period (say 3 years) is
unnecessary in my opinion.

As Uwe already pointed out: regarding some law suit: this seem very
hypothetically although the statutes were well balanced written for good
reasons and the statutes are not easily changeable by German law.

> Regards,
> Andreas

Best regards,

Dennis Roczek

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