Hi Paolo,

Paolo Vecchi píše v Po 14. 03. 2022 v 17:07 +0100:

> I have to agree with you that the process seems to be too cumbersome
> and 
> it would very likely lead to the end of the project, so may as well 
> delete it, or to forks that will never come back.

Interestingly when I've read the de-atticization part of the attic
proposal, I had the feeling it goes well with your proposal that when a
commercial entity wants to contribute a project, they have to go
through extra scrutiny?  What has changed, please?

> As plenty of time has passed by since LOOL has been forked I would
> even 
> propose to just re-open the repository and let the community decide
> if 
> they are actually interested in contributing to it.

With my developer hat on (ie. not Board, not Collabora), I'd like to
point out that you should consider the implications of potential or
real security issues.  How do you want to force the community to fix
those?  [I mean, who will be the actual people actually fixing those?] 
What if the re-opened repo gets a CVE?

> We may discover that the community is actually interested in 
> contributing to a LOOL which is unlikely to reach features parity
> with 
> other similar products but that is good enough for some use cases
> where 
> basic features and a lightweight component is needed.

Still with my developer hat on, I think you underestimate the
complexity of the Online editing problem; the programming was just
completely different 25 years ago (I think you said you used to be a
developer then?).

The problems that the Online has to sort out are complex; like
extremely complex; like nobody-25-years-ago-could-imagine-how-much
complex: Lots of asynchronous communication, performance implications
(on many levels - in C++, in C++/JS combination, in JS, on the
network), limitations of JavaScript, limitations of various browsers,
and more.  And solving these problems is painful, there are no good
tools to debug the C++ / JavaScript combination, developers who love
C++ hate JS & the other way around, etc.

In other words, from the development point of view, there is no "basic
features and a lightweight component" possible for the approach that
COOL / LOOL is using.

All the best,

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