Hi all,

Am 12.06.22 um 12:42 schrieb Simon Phipps:

Andreas was one of the founding generation of TDF so has been involved
in the project for a long time, yes. He contributed great work on 
infrastructure and deserves credit for it. He was unhappy when TDF
migrated from Plone and I believe felt insulted by that step because
his work was lost, which we regretted. I do understand that
frustration, and have experienced it myself.

sorry it was not about the migration from Plone to what ever tool. As
you mentioned above I invested a lot of my spare time to create, upgrade
and administrate the site (including user help). I did the project
management for TDF within the migration of the site to Python 3. Once
this project was finished in 2017 the board praised the work done and
the new site.
And then in Oct. 2018 there were this mail on the design list from a
member of the board out of the blue:

Although I managed the extensions-templates website in my spare time at
that time, no one got in contact before this mail. There were never a
statement from the board that the communication process was not
appropriate. Also neither the board nor the sender of the mail ever
apologized for the non-collaboration and the vilification of my work in


## Free Software Advocate
## Plone add-on developer
## My blog: http://www.amantke.de/blog

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