Hi All!

I'm tuning the tests for the numeric conversions library I will hopefully
have ready for formal review sometime this month.

While doing that I run into the following:

My tests are already arranged in a way that 'test/minimal.hpp' offers too
little functionality while a whole test framework, such as
test_execution_monitor or unit_test_framework requires me link or include
too many translation units. As a result, I don't want to use the Test
Library (but we could discuss this, because I might be biased by its
perceived complexity)

In any event, I need a quick-N-dirty easy to use string formatting.
It seems to me that a test should not use the format library in order to
decouple both libraries during testing.

A typical solution is to use an output string stream.

A quick search for BOOST_NO_STRINGSTREAM reveals that there is a sort of
'idiom' which is extensively used -by hand- among many unit tests (i.e,
including the appropriate header and dealing later with either ostrstream or

I also found that this idiom is very well captured by the Test Library under
the form of the class 'wrapstrstream', which comes exactly as handy as most
of the unit tests I've seen need it.

Therefore, is it possible to factor out this class so it can be used
Say, as /utility/wrapstrstream.hpp.

Gennaidy, what do you think?


Fernando Cacciola

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