> My tests are already arranged in a way that 'test/minimal.hpp' offers too
> little functionality while a whole test framework, such as
> test_execution_monitor or unit_test_framework requires me link or
> include too many translation units. 

Well currently Boost.Test propose three configuration:
1. Minimal
2. Full linked
3. Full included

Does not any one of them fit for you? What are the issues? What set of
features you are looking for?

> As a result, I don't want to use the Test
> Library (but we could discuss this, because I might be biased by its
> perceived complexity)

I still hope to satisfy your requests for new features and explain
everything that seems complex.

> A quick search for BOOST_NO_STRINGSTREAM reveals that there is a sort
> of 'idiom' which is extensively used -by hand- among many unit tests
> (i.e, including the appropriate header and dealing later with either
> ostrstream or ostringstream).

> I also found that this idiom is very well captured by the Test Library
> under the form of the class 'wrapstrstream', which comes exactly as
> handy as most of the unit tests I've seen need it.

You may nor remark it but this class change the interface a little right
after 1.29 came out to implement different fix for the issue with copy

> Therefore, is it possible to factor out this class so it can be used
> standalone?
> Say, as /utility/wrapstrstream.hpp.

> Gennaidy, what do you think?

> TIA,

> Fernando Cacciola

Well, if there is an interest in reuse of this class I do not see the reason
why not. BTW at very end of 1.29 I added nullstream.hpp into details section
of Boost.Test (borrowed and reworked a bit from Daryle Walker more_io). It
also belongs somewhere in utility.


P.S. Sorry it took me so long to answer. I just was overloaded at the work
and with serialization review.
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