> > #include <boost/test/included/test_exec_monitor.hpp>
> >
> All right... I totally missed this...
> I thought 'fully included' meant something else. Sorry.
> (btw: I couldn't find this on the Docs... perhaps it's just me)

See here for example:

> I tried to use this method with the numeric library test.
> Using bcc55, I encountered the following error on "test_tools.cpp":
> __strcmp__ is not a member of std
> I had to add the following to that source file, right before 
> the opening
> namespace boost:
> # ifdef __BORLANDC__
> #pragma intrinsic -strcmp
> # endif

test_tools.cpp contains:
namespace std { using ::strcmp; using ::strncmp; using ::strlen; }
# endif

does not the symbol BOOST_NO_STDC_NAMESPACE is get defined?

> I know there are Jamfiles for bcc, but I can't get them to work.
> The problem is not with the compilers but with bjam on cygwin on Win98
> On this platform, bjam produces command lines longer than the 
> shell limit so
> the compiler gets its input trimmed off.

Did you report this to Boost.Build guys? Is there any means to enlarge this

> Did you effectively used bjam on your computer to actually 
> build the Test
> Framework with those windows compilers? What platform are you 
> using for
> this?

I am compiling on Win2k and WinXP using bjam and tools for cygwin+gcc,
Borland command line compiler, msvc with native stl, msvc with stlport.
I never really tested on win98. I thought it's already forgotten by now. At
least for reallife usage.

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