Thomas Matelich wrote:

"Dirk Gerrits" wrote in message
ar37hg$6hm$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:ar37hg$6hm$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...

>Thomas Matelich wrote:
>>Anyway, seemed like a nice package for general use. My company is
>>currently in love with XML, so I probably wouldn't be using it for our
>>commercial products.
>Maybe you missed it due to only skimming the documentation, but it is
>possible to write your own archive types for use with the library. An
>XML output archive should be pretty easy, and I imagine that given an
>XML parser, an input archive should also be quite feasable.

I didn't miss it and considered it, but XML usually names its elements.
That meta-data is an important part of validation and the free-form lovefest
that makes XML popular. There is no way that I saw, given the abstract
interface of the archives, to name the string that I put into the archive.
Perhaps that could be an extension.

Yes, other threads made me realize this. I withdraw my statements.

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