Peter Dimov wrote:
From: "Larry Evans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
This doesn't look correct to me... did you mean something like

struct X
    Y * p;

    explicit X(Y * p): p(p) {}
    ~X() { delete p; }

struct Y
    shared_ptr<X> p;

int main()
    Y * py = new Y;
    shared_ptr<X> px(new X(py));
    py->p = px;

Yes.  I had thought about the need to delete the Y* in the
X::DTOR, but that was days ago and I forgot to include it.

I also thought a little more about it and what I was suggesting
was more like:

struc Y;
struct X
   boost::unshared_cyclic_ptr<Y> y; //cyclic involves this arc.
   explicit X(void): y(new Y) {}
struct Y
   boost::shared_cyclic_ptr<X> x;

Where {unshared|shared}_cyclic_ptr use the detlef method to
record their offsets and hence enable tracing the pointer graph.

Then I'd imagine you'd ask, why not just use a shared_ptr<Y> instead
of bothering with unshared<Y>.  The only answer I can think of is
that maybe that reflects better the meaning of the variable y.
The programmer knows it's never shared; so, he decides to
be explicit about it with unshared_ptr<Y>.  If he had used
shared_ptr<Y>, then someone maintaining his code would have to wonder
who else is sharing this Y?  Also, the overhead for unshared_ptr
would be at least a little less than shared_ptr (no reference count
or mark bit and no updating the reference count).

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