Peter Dimov wrote:
> From: "Larry Evans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Why not use the Delef approach as demonstrated in shared_cyclic_ptr to
> avoid
>>false positives altogether?
> I'm not familiar with Detlef's approach...
I'm pretty sure there a reference to it in some of the compare docs
or code in the files/shared_cyclic_ptr directory.
> does it require programmer
> support?

Yes.  It requires declaration of a single static variable for each
class that's garbage collected.  It looks like this:


The c_mk_descriptor default CTOR creates a descriptor for test_subj.
This descriptor is accessed with:

   bridge_stk_proxiterator::ip_descriptor const& subj_desc
      = ip_descriptor_of<test_subj>::the_descriptor()

The iterator over smart pointers contained within an object of type,
test_subj, is created as follows:

   test_subj a_subj;
   bridge_stk_proxiterator subj_proxiter(subj_desc, &a_subj);

subj_proxiter iterates over all the shared_cyclic_ptr's and (hopefully
in the near future) all the unshared_cyclic_ptrs contained within

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