[Just got here at home from the office... sorry for the delay]

"David Abrahams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió en el mensaje
> "Fernando Cacciola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > According to the docs I've read so far, plink.exe/putty.exe
> > is windows equivalent to unix 'ssh'.
> I use my cygwin ssh on windows.  It's called "ssh.exe".
> You also got an ssh.exe with WinCVS which should work.
Hmm. I don't have any ssh on my machine... that's the first I tried.
But I'll see to get it from the cygwin site
I have a somewhat old and odd cygwin instalation;
I've haven't updated yet since it takes too many hours; but I'll do it soon

> > The doc for :ext: says that I need an 'ssh' program to handle the
> > authentication.
> > It says that I can use: "set CVS_RHS=/xxx/plink.exe"  (or putty.exe);
> > or invoke them directly as a pipe righrt before 'cvs'
> >
> > If I run cvs directly as:
> >
> > cvs -d:ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/boost -z3 add
> > optional.hpp
> >
> > It outputs:
> >
> > CVS.EXE [add aborted]: cannot start server via rsh: No such file or
> > directory
> I just set CVS_RSH=ssh and go from there.
OK. Once I have my cygwin updated, I'll do it this way.

Fernando Cacciola [home]

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