On Thu, 30 Jan 2003 16:34:44 +0200, "Rani Sharoni"

>"Gennaro Prota" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> John, unfortunately I have to turn off my computer now. I had just
>> hacked up a version that seems to work with gcc, but I don't want to
>> post it before a better testing. I'll let you know in the morning.
>Maybe you had the following variation on Terje's code in mind.

Yes! Not in mind, just in my editor though :-)

>The following worked with GCC3.1/2, VC6/7/7.1 and Comeau
>typedef char (&yes)[1];
>typedef char (&no) [2];
>template <typename B, typename D>
>struct helper
>    template <typename T>
>    static yes check(D const volatile *, T);
>    static no  check(B const volatile *, int);
>template<typename B, typename D>
>struct is_base_and_derived
>    struct Host
>    {
>        operator B const volatile *() const;
>        operator D const volatile *();
>    };
>    enum { result =
>        sizeof(helper<B,D>::check(Host(), 0)) == sizeof(yes)
>    };

> <test cases snipped>

My version was only slightly different:

template <typename B, typename D>
struct checker {
  typedef char yes;
  typedef char(&no)[2];

  template<typename T>
  static yes check(D const volatile *, T);
  static no  check(B const volatile *, int);


template <typename B, typename D>
struct is_base_and_derived
    struct C
        operator B const volatile *() const;
        operator D const volatile *();

    static const bool result =
        sizeof(checker<B,D>::check( C() , 0 )) ==
        sizeof(typename checker<B, D>::yes);

Of course moving yes and no outside checker<> is cleaner, but I tried
to avoid changes not forced by compiler bugs. Incidentally, I noticed
that if you add a default argument

  template<typename T>
  static yes check(D const volatile *, T = 0);
  static no  check(B const volatile *, int = 0);

and write:

  sizeof(checker<B,D>::check( (C()) /*, 0*/ ))

then ambiguity problems arise, even with Comeau Defect in the


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