On Thursday, March 20, 2003, at 05:17 PM, Eric Niebler wrote:

It's not a compiler thing. Look at the implementation:


template <typename T>
struct call_traits<T&>
   typedef T& value_type; // <-- problem here
   typedef T& reference;
   typedef const T& const_reference;
   typedef T& param_type;  // hh removed const

Fwiw, I put a version of call_traits into the Metrowerks::lib a couple of years ago when it was first developed on boost. At that time I gave call_traits<int&>::value_type the type of int. I also built code based on that assumption that looks not too different from what Eric posted:

template<class T, class Allocator = single_deleter<T>,
class Size = number<typename call_traits<Allocator>::value_type::size_type, 1> >
class alloc_ptr;

In this class, the Allocator type may be a reference to an allocator instead of an allocator (and that is a valuable feature I use). Indeed, that is why I used call_traits here in the first place. In retrospect, using remove_reference instead of call_traits here would probably be a better choice...


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