vc said:
> As I am having the same problem, I looked a little to the bjam settings,
> and it seems that, at least when building with VC7.x, the -Wx (warning
> level) option is
> not set, that is why probably with bjam these warnings are not seen ...

Hmm... this surprised me.  Mr. Maclean indicated the warnings were level 1
_and_ 2.  Builds with bjam do report errors, so the warning level can't be
0.  MSDN indicates "Level 2 is the default warning level at the command
line."  So I assumed that it must be an RTL issue causing the warnings for
him.  However, experimenting with 'bjam -sTOOLS=vc7
-sBUILD="<vc7><*><cxxflags>-W2' does indeed produce the warnings in
question.  So it appears that MSDN is wrong, and that level 1 is selected
if none is supplied?  I plan to bump the level up in my own set of bjam
tool sets.

As for the warnings themselves... I'm still doing more research just to be
100% sure, but everything I've found thus far indicates you can ignore
these warnings as long as you link against the same RTL in both the
Boost.Threads DLL and the application.  After I verify this, I'll remove
the warnings through the use of pragmas.

William E. Kempf

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